Sorry crossfire, but it's an AMAZON biotope and kuhlis aren't found there. They just wouldn't be happy.

Sorry crossfire, but it's an AMAZON biotope and kuhlis aren't found there. They just wouldn't be happy.
Hey lovelies!
I brought back the neon tetras I bought some months ago as they were quite nippy. Well the difference in the tank is amazing! The rest of the gang are swimming all round the tank now, before they were sticking to the one end. But the bolivian ram and the rasboras have coloured up hugely since the neons went. Interesting, no?
I still haven't found a lady friend for Alejandro. It's proving difficult. Think I'll order one online but I hope I get a female instead of a male!
Hope all well with you lovelies!
Hey Lovelies!!!!
Camping was a great success.. Drank one beer..
came home to find zero dead dish..
got a bunch of pregger females aboot to pop.. Anyone want some of Hambone's hybrids?
Hey lovelies! I rendered my dad an idea. He didn't discard it, but didn't say yes. Hmmmmmmm. Today is national suicide awareness day here in 'merica and tomorrow is 9/11. God bless to those who died and their families, and if you're having suicidal thoughts, we can get through it! Things can only get better.
I had 11 neon tetras and they were nippy with my betta and platys. I never saw them at the rasboras or the ram so maybe it's a coincidence they've coloured up.
I ordered a female ram and two sparkling gouramis for the 10 gal. The gouramis arried but no ram as of yet.
Hey lovelies!
Mermaids dont pay taxes or participate in the community. I also hear they are dirty communists. They also will invite all of your friends over but not you to their parties. Please, tell your female offspring the truth about them and she will be glad they are in a bottle crushed up, unable to commit their heinous crimes at our door steps.