The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Hey Lovelies!!!!

Going to the LFS to get a predatory fish for my 16 gallon..

Had BT's for breffuss.. Ribs and brisket..

Also had coffee and stroopwaffles from Holland..
Hey lovelies!!!!

Hung out with some friends last night. One of em gave me a cool lava lamp!!!! Still pushing my dad for a 125 gallon fishy world.
Hey Lovelies!!!!

Came home with two otto cats, eight cherry skrimps and one angle fish..
Hey lovelies!!!

Had a great bonfire last night. No mosquitos now either. 'twas a good time.

You know, makin oily rag torches and some big booms about the neighborhood. Teehee.
Hey lovelies!!!

I'm fighting some nasty toe infection thing :eek:w: it's causing an ingrown toe nail as well :angry: I may have to get the nail removed and the infection also removed but trying to let it heal up and waiting til after baseball season.

But on a good note we won our first baseball game of the season 15-3. I made 6 fantastic plays, before we Mary ruled them in the 4th inning. I went 1-1 with a double and 2 walks batting wise. Twas a great game for us.
Hey Lovelies,
Glad you all seem (mostly)well. Not much happenin' here. I'm being naughty, few days past my weekly water change and I'm still meaning to do it. Maybe later....
Gettin' me a tatt on Thur. Bin itchin' for one for months. Gonna get Dad on my inside ankle. I love my Dad! He'll think I've lost it. I have my kids initials on my wrist and shoulder. If I was 20 years younger I'd be covered in 'em!
Married 10 years on Fri. Now how did that happen?! Drinkies, dinner and overnight stay in hotel without the kids. The excitement!!!!!!!
Later lovelies!
Hey lovelies!

I'm watching tanked....but I have to say, I'm pissed!
They're building a freshwater tank, and they were picking out fish...

They're putting guppies with bala sharks and mulitple rainbow sharks in a 30-gallonish freaking TV tank!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

What the heck I thought they were professionals! :angry:
Which episode? I just started season two and they've only done two freshwater tanks that I've seen and dont remember that one. I do enjoy the show but ya... they really overstock their tanks
Hey lovelies!

I'm watching tanked....but I have to say, I'm pissed!
They're building a freshwater tank, and they were picking out fish...

They're putting guppies with bala sharks and mulitple rainbow sharks in a 30-gallonish freaking TV tank!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

What the heck I thought they were professionals! :angry:
Which episode? I just started season two and they've only done two freshwater tanks that I've seen and dont remember that one. I do enjoy the show but ya... they really overstock their tanks

It's the latest episode...with Neil Patrick Harris :wub:
Hey Lovelies!

I moved all of Zach's 20 gallon plants & fish over to the new tank, plus we added a young Gold Panda Molly and a very young Sunset Swordtail. I checked his stats this morning before going to work & the ammonia was around .25ppm!!! I can barely understand how this is possible since we moved his filter over plus another filter with donated media from my other 20 gallon, and there's literally more than twice as much water to dilute any readings? Nitrites are still showing perfect ZERO. Either way, 50% water change tonight after Football practice..............dagnabit! :angry:
Your filter media will have the bacteria needed for x amount of fish. When you added the new fish the ammonia will rise for abit while the filter grows more bacteria to handle it. In time it will drop back to 0 but thats why once a tank is established your only supposed to add a few fish a week
Your filter media will have the bacteria needed for x amount of fish. When you added the new fish the ammonia will rise for abit while the filter grows more bacteria to handle it. In time it will drop back to 0 but thats why once a tank is established your only supposed to add a few fish a week

Yeah, but that's why I thought moving the Penguin 200 Biowheel filter from his 20 gallon, plus another Emperor 280 that I spiked with a nice used felt from my other 20 gallon would be more than enough. I only added 2 small fish & I only fed the tank once since moving them over 2 days ago. Maybe the fish were stressed in the move creating more ammonia than usual? I only added the same fish the filter was handling in his other tank plus 2 new ones................along with another filter & more media from a different tank.
Hey Lovelies!!!!

I had to do some tank reconfigurating to make my angle more comfortable.. That is what Hambone is all aboot, maximum comfort..
Hey Lovelies!!!

It's officially guppytime, or is it angle fish time..
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