The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Lucy, I only cleaned it because the flow had reduced, which really is the only reason to do it. I don't want to take out too many bacteria. I should point out that I have cleaned some of the other filter components, this was just the first time I'd done the coarse sponge. In fact it turned out that most of the blockage was bits of dead java moss that were in the pipe inside the sponge!
Hey lovelies! Just had a loachapalooza! All 4 loaches came out! ALL 4! This has never happened, only two or three venture out from their loach hole at a time. They were sifting through the sand to feast on some frozen brine shrimp I gave today.
My dad has hinted that he may allow me to get more loaches! :3

If you guys ask nicely, I might share some pictures :p
LOL Loachapalooza! Let's see some pics please :hyper:

Hey Lovelies!

I picked up a bag of Sakrete playsand for Zach's new tank & there's no Football practice tonight so I plan to wash sand for a few hours............ :sad:
Hey Lovelies!!!!

Heading to the cape today foe one last weekend of camping.. Will be kicking it old school.. no 'lectricity camping..

Going to eat lunch at The Kreme and Kone in West Dennis today as soon as we get to the cape..

Plan on going to Arnolds for dinner tomorrow.. Staying clear of Marconni Beach BBQ.. That place is for the angry birds..

my little girl has been sick, that's why I haven't been around, hope everybody is well..

My guppy fries are getting all grows up.. it's cool watching them grow..

Had to modify my apparatus.. It was falling apart on me, but some heat shrink fixt it.. Now it fit's right in the trunk of the TDI, where before I had to put it on the hood.. No good..
Hey lovelies! Bob can get me in some lemon tetras at $1.50 each for over 20!!!! That's awesome! Now to get the tank... I'm gonna ask my dad for an early bday/ and Christmas present. All I get. I want to do a proper fishless cycle on it, but once I get the tank I could buy the lemons and just put them in my qt for a month or 2. He can also get me the cories I wanted pretty cheap, and hatchet fish pretty cheap.
Hey lovelies! Bob can get me in some lemon tetras at $1.50 each for over 20!!!! That's awesome! Now to get the tank... I'm gonna ask my dad for an early bday/ and Christmas present. All I get. I want to do a proper fishless cycle on it, but once I get the tank I could buy the lemons and just put them in my qt for a month or 2. He can also get me the cories I wanted pretty cheap, and hatchet fish pretty cheap.

get feeder guppys and do a fish in tank cycle.. I did this with my 37 gallon.. it worked well for me.. Now all my tanks has feeder guppys in them.. they're great little fish..
I Could easily just seed the filter, it's just I want to try doing a fishless cycle. If I screw up I'll seed it.
I've got some pictures!!!! I have more just these cone first: the rest later:

Some FTS:





Other shots:





Nice pics MoF, you've become a Planted tanker!
I'll get my other shots up later, but for now, how does this stocking sound for a 125 gallon?

8 angels
4 Bolivian rams
25 lemon tetra
25 cardinal tetra
24 jilli Cory
10-15 hatchet fish
1 showy plec, maybe L200
1 common plec
6 otos

Kinda forced into the common tbh. My neighbor bought one for his 10 gallon even though I told him a bn would be ok, but he really shouldn't get a pleco.
Hey Loverlies!

Long day yesterdiddy, Zach's first Football game of the season. He played Left Guard & Center, every snap of the game but they had to settle for a 18-18 tie.

MoF, your stocking looks good but a bit crowded. Just make sure you work your way up to that level slowly. :good:
Sorry crossfire, but it's an AMAZON biotope and kuhlis aren't found there. They just wouldn't be happy.
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