The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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My 2 Hoplo catfish are currently surfing the sides of the breeding trap attempting to suck the fry out...

Nah, they're not trying to suck the fry out. Mine sucks the net too. But only if i put food there. He has had more fry around his nose than he could ask for, and from what I've seen, he just sees them as random floating debris.
But I still do not understand who was the one (or who were the ones) that ate those 3 sick fry. The hoplo is a guess, as he has the biggest mouth, but eating an almost 3 cm living fish seems out of his capabilities though.

Does the sucking happen when you sprinkle something powdered in the net?
Pics of ninja few moments ago.

Tzuppy pic for comparison.
Nah, they're not trying to suck the fry out. Mine sucks the net too. But only if i put food there. He has had more fry around his nose than he could ask for, and from what I've seen, he just sees them as random floating debris.
But I still do not understand who was the one (or who were the ones) that ate those 3 sick fry. The hoplo is a guess, as he has the biggest mouth, but eating an almost 3 cm living fish seems out of his capabilities though.

Does the sucking happen when you sprinkle something powdered in the net?

They are in the trap now, not the net!

No, because I feed the fry and hoplos at the same time so they are busy eating their own food when i feed the fry. I think they are just...interested, y'know? :lol:
Nah, they're not trying to suck the fry out. Mine sucks the net too. But only if i put food there. He has had more fry around his nose than he could ask for, and from what I've seen, he just sees them as random floating debris.
But I still do not understand who was the one (or who were the ones) that ate those 3 sick fry. The hoplo is a guess, as he has the biggest mouth, but eating an almost 3 cm living fish seems out of his capabilities though.

Does the sucking happen when you sprinkle something powdered in the net?

They are in the trap now, not the net!

No, because I feed the fry and hoplos at the same time so they are busy eating their own food when i feed the fry. I think they are just...interested, y'know? :lol:
Idk, mine doesn't follow the fry around. But in contrast, he guards the newborn fry from the bigger swordtails. It's very odd.
But he attacked a bigger fry when that fry pecked one of the fry that were sitting in the bushes of the bogwood. (treated it like he treats the bigger fish when he's guarding, ramming it against the glass).
Lol, Cracker mated with Bee again. I hope she'll finally have more fry.
She only gave birth three times by now, and then took a 2 month break. (remained slim for 2 months, so she had no more fry for sure).
Hey Lovelies!!!!

Today was a good day.. A wery, wery good day...

And... it;ll only get better as the day progresses, or so I has heard..
Hey Lovelies!!!!

Today was a good day.. A wery, wery good day...

And... it;ll only get better as the day progresses, or so I has heard..
My day has been good too.
Fry still alive.
Rain and thunder came over the city, finally.
19C temps announced for the night. I like.
Boss gave me the task of recording a DVD on his computer, over the internet... all the while forgetting to install Nero. How am I supposed to burn a DVD properly without Nero?
But... his stupid windows updater probably restarted his pc -.- Darn I hate that thingy. This is why my XP is not allowed to do updates. I do not need them.
Hey lovelies!!!!!

I was doing a search for some 75 gallons new, and stumbled across a very nice setup, that comes with a canister filter, 300 watt heater, 48" T5 light unit, stand and canopy, for $871. It's also 100 gallons, not 75!!!!!!! It's a little less than double the used 75, but that doesn't have a heater, or canopy, the stand also isn't as nice, and the lighting is T8, not T5. The canister filter, though, is a little nicer, but I have my eheim I canput on it, maybe even in conjunction with the one it comes with, if it's not strong enough. I'm still thinking. I have to make a list of what the total cost of both would really be.
Hey Lovelies!!!!

Today was a good day.. A wery, wery good day...

And... it;ll only get better as the day progresses, or so I has heard..
My day has been good too.
Fry still alive.
Rain and thunder came over the city, finally.
19C temps announced for the night. I like.
Boss gave me the task of recording a DVD on his computer, over the internet... all the while forgetting to install Nero. How am I supposed to burn a DVD properly without Nero?
But... his stupid windows updater probably restarted his pc -.- Darn I hate that thingy. This is why my XP is not allowed to do updates. I do not need them.

19°C is aboot 89°F..

hardly what we'd call "good sleepin' weather" here in the great state of Massatuckery..
Hambone, what are you using to convert that???? That's about 66.2* F......... :shout:
I'd go with the less expensive one. You barely got your parents to consider a 75 gallon, asking for a 100 gallon might make them reconsider. Isn't a 100 gallon tank 6 feet long? Also, the extra money you save would buy a nice stand, canopy & lighting wouldn't it?

Don't get me wrong, I'd love a 100 gallon six foot long tank but $375 to $1000 is quite a jump, especially considering it doesn't have a nice canister like the 75 vdoes.
The trick to converting C to F is this:

9/5C + 32= F

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