The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Sorry, didn't get your message about chat til now. Good luck choosing your new tank, no rush, keep your eye out & the right one will come along. I'm still thinking about a 55 come winter myself, but now that I've seen that Cherry one with the canopy for only $200 I'm kinda just holding out for another really nice package deal.

I got a Pair of Honey Gouramis!

Here's some pics of my new female (I believe) Sunset Honey Gourami. She's very young looking & def. has the body shape & dorsal of a female. Petsmart had at least 1 or 2 more just like her so I can add another next week if all goes well. I'm trying to do the 2 to 1 ratio this time.



Hey lovelies!

Woke up this morning to my Apple Snail laid on it's back...or shell...whatever. Anyways, all of his body was hanging out and I knew before I even had a proper look at him that he was dead because the Kuhli Loaches were having a feast on his corpse. :sick: I also did the 'smell test' and yeah, he was definately dead. :sick:

In the middle of the night I always wake up (Dunno why...) and see him happily going up and down the glass, munch munch, nom nom. I even saw him early this morning, alive! What happened! I did a water change last night and everyone else is happy! I don't have any luck with Apple Snails, this was my 4th one. :-(

RIP you amazingly amazing snail, I'll miss you :rip:

But today I'm going to Pets at Home to get some more female platies because I don't have enough and the males are chasing eachother :kana:
I'll post pictures when I get them :snap:
We do love pictures here in Hey Lovelies............. :good:
Sorry, didn't get your message about chat til now. Good luck choosing your new tank, no rush, keep your eye out & the right one will come along. I'm still thinking about a 55 come winter myself, but now that I've seen that Cherry one with the canopy for only $200 I'm kinda just holding out for another really nice package deal.

I got a Pair of Honey Gouramis!

Here's some pics of my new female (I believe) Sunset Honey Gourami. She's very young looking & def. has the body shape & dorsal of a female. Petsmart had at least 1 or 2 more just like her so I can add another next week if all goes well. I'm trying to do the 2 to 1 ratio this time.
She looks lovely and I see now why they call them HONEY GOURAMI. X))
Hey lovelies!

Woke up this morning to my Apple Snail laid on it's back...or shell...whatever. Anyways, all of his body was hanging out and I knew before I even had a proper look at him that he was dead because the Kuhli Loaches were having a feast on his corpse. :sick: I also did the 'smell test' and yeah, he was definately dead. :sick:

In the middle of the night I always wake up (Dunno why...) and see him happily going up and down the glass, munch munch, nom nom. I even saw him early this morning, alive! What happened! I did a water change last night and everyone else is happy! I don't have any luck with Apple Snails, this was my 4th one. :-(

RIP you amazingly amazing snail, I'll miss you :rip:

But today I'm going to Pets at Home to get some more female platies because I don't have enough and the males are chasing eachother :kana:
I'll post pictures when I get them :snap:
RIP poor snail.
I seem to have a load of luck with mine, got them since like... mid March or maybe April... so at least 5 months of having a snail duo. And they have grown a bit. Today I have to feed them some more flakes during the small water change time.
Also, I am boiling eggs again, so egg yolk for both adults and fry! Ninja's going to love it.
But he keeps scaring me with his ninja skills at hiding. He popped out of the java moss when I went near the tank, lol.
Hey Lovelies!!!

I has the ways and the means to has an absolutely spectacular morning.. So why wouldn't I.. right..

Off to the post office in a lil bit for a passport photo.. Verd on the skreet is going to Amsterdam next april. Going to judge some flowers, tulips of course..

My mama and my wife are going on a cruise together.. So I axed my wife to axe her mama if she can come out to watch our daughter so I can hit the road too.. She agreed, hence Amsterdam..

Haven't been "home" since 08, and I am due.. Man if I lived in the uk, I'd be there every weekend.. and maybe on wednesdays too juss for the afternoon..
Ruskull, funnily enough when I saw the pics of your poor female yesterday I thought she looked very like my 'sparkling gourami'. My one is a very dark blue with red bits but with the same stubby looking tail and body and fin shape. What do you think? I might return her to the shop. She's in with sparkling gouramis (real ones!), galaxy rasboras and endlers.

They do look a bit like each other. If yours is a female Betta you'll probably be okay with her from what I've read. They aren't harassing each other are they?
A couple of weeks ago I saw her creep up behind a sparkling g and then she lunged at her. I haven't seen any funny business since. I'm not sure if she's happy though. The tank is a ten gal hex and she spends most of her time going up and down the glass at the back.
Your honeys are beautiful!

Hambone, you are hands down the funniest poster on FF! :D
I have good memories of Amsterdam. They mainly involve bikes..... Stunning city.

Oh and... Hey Lovelies!!!!!! ;)
Ruskull, funnily enough when I saw the pics of your poor female yesterday I thought she looked very like my 'sparkling gourami'. My one is a very dark blue with red bits but with the same stubby looking tail and body and fin shape. What do you think? I might return her to the shop. She's in with sparkling gouramis (real ones!), galaxy rasboras and endlers.

They do look a bit like each other. If yours is a female Betta you'll probably be okay with her from what I've read. They aren't harassing each other are they?
A couple of weeks ago I saw her creep up behind a sparkling g and then she lunged at her. I haven't seen any funny business since. I'm not sure if she's happy though. The tank is a ten gal hex and she spends most of her time going up and down the glass at the back.
Your honeys are beautiful!

Hambone, you are hands down the funniest poster on FF! :D
I have good memories of Amsterdam. They mainly involve bikes..... Stunning city.

Oh and... Hey Lovelies!!!!!! ;)
Going up and down is usually because of boredom. It's called glass surfing. Bettas and some livebearers do it, or so i heard. lol

Hey Loveliers!
I fed my fish with egg yolk. They loved the snowing yolk lol.
Then took my snails out into a bowl to feed them... but only Lorenzo is hungry. Kadenza is sleeping with food under him.
Changed the daily 1.5L (replaced for the water in the bowl with the snails) and now trying to figure out how to get my filter to make bubbles again. But oh well, tomorrow is Sunday, so big w/c time, which means I will clean the filter too so that might fix it.
Ruskull, funnily enough when I saw the pics of your poor female yesterday I thought she looked very like my 'sparkling gourami'. My one is a very dark blue with red bits but with the same stubby looking tail and body and fin shape. What do you think? I might return her to the shop. She's in with sparkling gouramis (real ones!), galaxy rasboras and endlers.

They do look a bit like each other. If yours is a female Betta you'll probably be okay with her from what I've read. They aren't harassing each other are they?
A couple of weeks ago I saw her creep up behind a sparkling g and then she lunged at her. I haven't seen any funny business since. I'm not sure if she's happy though. The tank is a ten gal hex and she spends most of her time going up and down the glass at the back.
Your honeys are beautiful!

Hambone, you are hands down the funniest poster on FF! :D
I have good memories of Amsterdam. They mainly involve bikes..... Stunning city.

Oh and... Hey Lovelies!!!!!! ;)
Going up and down is usually because of boredom. It's called glass surfing. Bettas and some livebearers do it, or so i heard. lol

Hey Loveliers!
I fed my fish with egg yolk. They loved the snowing yolk lol.
Then took my snails out into a bowl to feed them... but only Lorenzo is hungry. Kadenza is sleeping with food under him.
Changed the daily 1.5L (replaced for the water in the bowl with the snails) and now trying to figure out how to get my filter to make bubbles again. But oh well, tomorrow is Sunday, so big w/c time, which means I will clean the filter too so that might fix it.

Hey Lovelies!!!

Juss got back from my passport photo session with the Federal Gubberment of The United States (post office).. Wore my BT's Smoke House shirt for the passport photo, sadly it did not make the cut..

Drinking coffee, and luzzing it..

to make bubbles you must introduce air into the suction.. Air went tubes is popular.. Are we talking aboot your powerhead filter??
to make bubbles you must introduce air into the suction.. Air went tubes is popular.. Are we talking aboot your powerhead filter??
Yes, my powerhead filter with sponge.
I tried even blowing through the air tube... didn't work. o_O
to make bubbles you must introduce air into the suction.. Air went tubes is popular.. Are we talking aboot your powerhead filter??
Yes, my powerhead filter with sponge.
I tried even blowing through the air tube... didn't work. o_O

ok , well it's clogged..

take it all apart, clean, then put back together.. I bet there's goop in the suction port of the powerhead..
ok , well it's clogged..

take it all apart, clean, then put back together.. I bet there's goop in the suction port of the powerhead..
Will do that tomorrow when I will do the big water change. It still has good flow, just doesn't blow bubbles (this happened because there was a short power outage, and this filter tends to stop blowing bubbles after that).

Hmm, my lyretail female isn't acting right... her tail is down. Although she does occasionally attack the other females, she seems to be lethargic. And oddly fat even though she had fry like a week ago.


This is how Pinky looked before disappearing over night... :(
Hey Lovelies!!! Happy Saturday.

Just finished morning Football practice with Zach, and I have to go to the dumps, mow the lawns, big water change on the 36 gallon, regular water change on Zach's 20 gallon & I'll be swapping some fish around & trimming plants in all 3 tanks. I want to move Zach's Glass Cats to my 20 gallon and move the Glowlights in that tank into his 20. I also want to give him my BN female from that 20 and put his Otos in my 36 gallon. That last part might wait for next weekend, I don't want to change it up that much right away.

Also, assuming these new Honey G's are doing great all weekend, I might be adding another female to the mix next week.
Hey FB, I'm not an expert on livebearers or anything, but they can have multiple frys from a single fertilization. That was the case with Zach's Mollys. His Creamsicle Lyretail dropped a load of about 25, and then 2 weeks or less later she dropped another smaller batch, and believe it or not dropped another after that! We know it wasn't a separate fertilization because the Platinum Sailfin Molly male had died shortly after she gave birth the first time.

In other news my Threelined Corys have been dancing the mating dance for about 2 weeks now & I'm keeping an eye out for any eggs..............wish me luck! :hyper:
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