The New Kids On The Block - 6 C. Atropersonatus

BTW I figured out why I never get my sponge air pump filters going. I don't have conectors or tubes the right size for the spinge filter apparatus. And I can never figure out what I need. I have about 3 or 4 different size hoses and none fit and the little adapters are from another universe entirely!

The sponge filter tube is about .75" from outer edge to outer edge and 5/8" inner to inner edge.

Which filter tube are you referring to, the clear plastic riser tube or the air hose connection tube at the bottom of the riser tube? Maybe a picture is in order.

Also, I've started to cycle the new tank. There's a few plants in it to help it along. I'm really starting to wonder if the silica sand was such a good idea. I think maybe it's too white and the stuff is so fine that any time a do anything inside the tank the sand flies all over the place. Maybe if I put some rounded 3" rocks (what landscapers call beach pebble) in it would look better.
The part that the air hose should connect to, I assume. That is a clear tube that telescopes up and down inside another clear tube. There is also a small clear tube beside it that is only 1/4". I assume it is a breather tube or something. How could something so simple be so difficult? And why did it not come with pictures rather than multi language nonsense?
The part that the air hose should connect to, I assume. That is a clear tube that telescopes up and down inside another clear tube. There is also a small clear tube beside it that is only 1/4". I assume it is a breather tube or something. How could something so simple be so difficult? And why did it not come with pictures rather than multi language nonsense?

Hmm. I bet the 1/4" tube is where you connect the air line to.

Why not jut buy a pre-made one? Something like:
The large one has a right angle coneection at the upper end.

I will try it connected to the small one.
Oh dear...

First there were 6, then there were 9 and now I'm afraid to say we're down to 8.

Tonight while I was moving them to their new 25 gallon home one of them gave several wiggles of its tail then flopped over on it's side. I had noticed him being off on his own and not moving a lot for the past several days. I can't be certain but I think he may have been the one that had the fin rot. It appeared to be all cleared up but there was obviously more wrong with him than I thought.

The others seem to be happing in their new home. I just hope I didn't make a mistake using silica sand for the substrate. Time will tell.

sorry to hear that Cory_Dad
if so every body makes mistakes m8 its tryle and error in everything in life if it works then thats great if not ull know better next time weve all been there :good:
sorry to hear that Cory_Dad
if so every body makes mistakes m8 its tryle and error in everything in life if it works then thats great if not ull know better next time weve all been there :good:

It's great to see you back drewry.

Thanks for your kind words.

They really do seem to be ok today. I was starring at them for quite a while and noticed them sifting the sand through their gills. That's a new one for me as all my other tanks are pea gravel. I'll try to take some pictures later this evening. I first have to go out and pick up an Eheim 2215 for the tank. Right now I have an Aquaclear 20 and and Aquaclear 50 hanging off the back.

I'm going up to the cottage for 2 weeks and I'm concerned about the feeding. I have a bunch of Hydor feeders for all my tanks but it only dispenses flake food. I guess they Corys will just have to be happy with that. My oldest said he'd drop by a few times to see that everything's ok.

Cheers all.
Well I lost another one less than an hour ago. Now down to 7.

Earlier this afternoon I noticed that one was being quiet and that he had a pink mark around his belly but the phone rang and I got tied up. An hour ago as I was about to feed them, as I lifted the lid he shot out from some cover and started swimming on his side and the pink area was more pronounced. I quickly filled my 2.5 gal hospital tank with water from the other Cory tank in order to medicate with EM but when I went to net the sick Cory, he was laying on his side, dead.

On close examination I saw he was quite red internally around his stomach area.

All the others seem to be fine.

The joys of fish keeping...

Have you considered running some carbon? If there are any toxins it will take them out.

When are you getting the gold lasers?

Have you considered running some carbon? If there are any toxins it will take them out.

When are you getting the gold lasers?

Good idea, I never thought of that. The remaining 7 were still fine when I got back from the cottage yesterday evening so it's probably not worth it now, or is it?

As for the lasers, I sent the vendor an email about them. He replied that he's moving over the weekend and besides, he's not sure he wants to part with them. LOL. I don't blame him. He'll let me know later this week.


Have you considered running some carbon? If there are any toxins it will take them out.

When are you getting the gold lasers?

As for the lasers, I sent the vendor an email about them. He replied that he's moving over the weekend and besides, he's not sure he wants to part with them. LOL. I don't blame him. He'll let me know later this week.


Selfish selfish vendor!
Oh no, another one of them was starting to look pink and a bit listless so I'm treating the whole tank with EM. Grrr. Have they no consideration for my feelings and emotional well being?

Maybe I should have run the charcoal but it's a bit late now, at least until after the 4 day treatment.

The only thing I can think of is the Excel and/or plant food is irritating them. I gave them a double does of Excel to try to control the black hair algae (BHA).

Well, one good thing, the EM should take of the BHA.
Are you getting ammonia or nitrite readings? You have had these guys for awhile. So it is unlikely the problem came with them.

I was wondering if the running of EM is causing cycles and the use of ammonia detoxifier is masking the tests?
Are you getting ammonia or nitrite readings? You have had these guys for awhile. So it is unlikely the problem came with them.

I was wondering if the running of EM is causing cycles and the use of ammonia detoxifier is masking the tests?

After the second one died last week (first one in this tank) all 3 N's were 0. This was before starting the EM. I've also been doing weekly 25% water changes.

I suppose I can do a 50% after the EM set if you think that would help. But the now 7 are in a lightly planted 25 gallon with an Aquaclear 50 and an Eheim 2215. There was also a mature Aquaclear 30 for the first several weeks when the tank was cycling but it is on another tank now, talk about over filtered.

I used brand new (but washed) white silica sand for the substrate. Water is pre-treated and left to stand several days. Using recommended dosage (less actually) for Florite liquid plant food, with mostly daily Excel. Only abnormality is the black hair algae which was starting to tun red after the single double dose of Excel which I sprayed directly on the affected plant with an eye dropper.

Circulation is good (AQ 50 & Eheim 2215 creates a reall nice current) plus there is a bubble wall on one side of the tank. Temp 78F. I believe that's a bit cooler than they spawn at but would that stress them that much?

Feeding em 3 different brands/type of tabs and twice weekly either frozen blood worm or brine shrimp.

Beats me.

Most reactions
