The Indecisive Journal Of Trod's 5 Footer

Yeah, TI's right, I've had the purple and green versions in my tank once upon a time. They do exist :)
Small update, still no fish :rolleyes:
Cyano coming along nicely, it looks purple in the picture but it is black :unsure:


I'm syponing out like mad, but it just keeps coming back, I am going to get some more phosphate remover later even though my stats aren't that bad.
On a more positive note my CUC have been doing a good job and have munched through most of the algae, I have only lost 1 snail, he fell off the rock and I didn't find him in time :crazy:

This was covered in algae before

Seffie and I are going out on a trip soon, so I am really hoping to get some fish :drool:
Trod, the extra phosphate remover is a very good idea. My phosphate reading was practically 0 yet I had the same amount of cyano as you.

It appears we don't pick it up on the test kits because the cyano is using it. I doubled the normal dose of phosphate remover, and am still using that a month after the outbreak. I may swap to the normal dose next time I change it.

Just like you I was syphoning it out and within a few hrs it was back again. It really starts to get you down, but there will come a time when it goes. I was also blowing rocks with the Turkey baster (which I presume you will be doing) and I ended up hooving practically the top layer of sand off. I did drastically increase the numbers of Turbo / Astrea snails aswell. Some ceriths may be a good idea as they turn the sand as well as eating algae.

Stick in there, it will go soon.

Did you change the flow at all??
I moved the powerheads down and they now blow over the sand but I haven't increased flow.

I have just got back from LFS with extra Rowaphos and .....................................................

I have a fish :kana: He was just screaming at me and I couldn't resist. I will leave you guessing for a while, while he is acclimatizing but its not what you think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:whistle: :p
I'm guessing a baby lion,lol...
As systems mature cyno appears to be less of a proble..added rowa and directed flow should help a lot but, also , as recomended to the ladies here...try a few halloween hermits

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