LOL nothing really happening at the moment, except a lot of munching
The hermits have all disappeared, I'm sure they are eating though, wherever they maybe! the snails are working hard
I was really nervous about putting CUC in, as I cured my own LR I was so sure I had done it all wrong and had killed everything in the tank and that now nothing would ever survive in there
I am SO relieved that they are all still alive and munching. I know I'm silly, but I'm really worried about putting the fish in
I am having a few Heat issues at the moment, tank was 30C the other day, so I have bought a wall fan (well 2 actually, one for nano too) they should arrive next week.
I have still got to order my nassurius snails.
Stocking wish list
Pterois lion fish (probably Volitan but might be Russelli or antennata
I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure
Dendrochirus zebra lion fish
Foxface Rabbit fish
Convict Tang (will it be ok with Rabbit fish?)
Angel fish (wanted emperor but as Scott has warned me about these I might hold fire on this one)
I'm open to suggestion if anyone has any ideas