Well, I'll give you a teaser
The bad; Lost more corals than I thought to the great cooking of 2008

. Ended up loosing all Acanthastrea and Favia colonies except one favia which I think I saved. Also lost my Platygyra and Cynarina

. Also have had to turn off my UV sterilizer over the summer as the stupid thing puts too much heat in the water. As a result, I've been battling all manner of algae, cyano, dino, and hair. It's a pita but I've discovered a simpler method of handling it than water changes. Get some 3/16" tubing and attach a womens nylon to the bottom of it with rubberbands. Then siphon between the main tank and have the nylon end in the sump. Catches the algae allowing for easy disposal without bothering with the MASSIVE water changes required.
The good news; Got 3 fish in QT right now. A pair of Skunk Clowns and a GORGEOUS Scotts Fairy Wrasse. Should be added this weekend

. Also have since purchased some awesome Ricordea, and got my old green/purple frogspawn replaced

. Other recent additions include a pink Echinophyllia, a new mini favites, an encrusting montipora, and some awesome palythoa.
Pics likely by this weekend, or MAYBE as late as monday!