Ok, here we go guys and gals, got LOTS of pictures here. First, the non-requests, a couple of palythoa colonies.
Next up, an Orange and Pink Ricordea Yuma
And rounding out the softies, some Giant Palythoa
Next up, my green hairy Millepora. Anyone remember when this was just a tiny 1" frag? It's been growing exponentially lately. Notice all the buds and polyps.
Also my pink Pocillipora has been doing well as of late. Not quite as good as the Mille, but still growning well
And another SPS frag I just picked up from someone locally (this is the same size as the mille was)
And this Green Pocillipora here has to be one of my best successes. I bought the rock that it's on and it literally grew out that rock. Didn't even know it was there when I bought the rock
Next up, what's known here in the States as Pokerstar Montipora. Got it off a friend who was closing down his tank. Poor colony was upsideown in the sand for a few days and was down to just a few polyps. I've grown it back to life here and it's just starting to get it's purple skin back. Still dominated by the orange polyps, but it'll get better I hope
Now on to the LPS, another favorite of mine, Blastomussa Wellsophyllia. Also a free rescue colony. Was down to a single head and I've grown it out to ~15 heads now. One of my favorite pieces.
And an Acanthastrea Lordhowensis frag I just got to replace some of my losses from the cooking
And now on to the requests, first up, my Duncanopsamnia Axifuga
Per another request, my Green Torch
One of my favorites, green/purple Frogspawn
Got a couple pics of the Clam here. First is a top-down, second is through the glass. Was tough to get a good shot of it, lighting and angles aren't right but these should do OK
And someone wanted a shot of the Mystery Wrasse yes? It took me 50 some tries to get it, but finally got the near perfect shot. Even got him flaring and everything
Last of the closeups of course is my prized Elegance coral. Despite loosing half of it in the cooking, it's still doing very well
And since I cleaned, figured I'd finish up with a FTS
Hope you all enjoyed