Time for a little update boys and girls

. Going on vacation soon and wanted to take a few shots of the tank before I leave. Unfortunately my digcam's batteries let me take far fewer than I wanted
First up, One of my newer frags, Blastomussa Wellsophyllia. Got it as 3 heads, but it's now budding off 6 or 7. Gonna keep feeding it and grow it nice and big
Then, we have a Duncanopsamnia Axifuga (think I spelled that right). Bought as one head a few weeks back, already budding many. This coral responds QUICKLY to feeding as well
Two of my three Acanthastrea Lordhowensis colonies. They lost a little of their coloration shortly after I took them home from the LFS, but they're startin to get it back now that they're settling into my tank. The green mouth on the purple colony is going to get really crazy green when it gets fully recovered from fragging/travel.
And I'd be remiss without a FTS. Note the two new friends, finally got my skunk clowns

. Wild Caught from Africa and are already hosting the elegance coral which is quickly getting too big for its britches. Hope you all enjoy!