The Continuing Adventures Of Skifletch

:angel: :whistle:

Never ended up taking them :lol: Took all the PAR readings though and wrote them down :D
Every time someone posts in here I get all excited thinking there is an update!
Time for a little update boys and girls :). Going on vacation soon and wanted to take a few shots of the tank before I leave. Unfortunately my digcam's batteries let me take far fewer than I wanted :grr:

First up, One of my newer frags, Blastomussa Wellsophyllia. Got it as 3 heads, but it's now budding off 6 or 7. Gonna keep feeding it and grow it nice and big :)


Then, we have a Duncanopsamnia Axifuga (think I spelled that right). Bought as one head a few weeks back, already budding many. This coral responds QUICKLY to feeding as well


Two of my three Acanthastrea Lordhowensis colonies. They lost a little of their coloration shortly after I took them home from the LFS, but they're startin to get it back now that they're settling into my tank. The green mouth on the purple colony is going to get really crazy green when it gets fully recovered from fragging/travel.


And I'd be remiss without a FTS. Note the two new friends, finally got my skunk clowns :). Wild Caught from Africa and are already hosting the elegance coral which is quickly getting too big for its britches. Hope you all enjoy!

Glad to see how well your elegance is doing so well. What's the story with that clam up top or is that even a clam?
Tis a clam indeed. A Tridacna Crocea to be exact. Mostly purple with blue speckled mantle. I've had it for about a year now I think... They like really high lighting and live in rockwork, hence its atop the rock stack. Also, its byssal threads are fully engaged on the rock its sitting in. That clam's not goin anywhere :lol:
You can do it with just a single 175watt halide if you want... Growth won't be fantastic, but they do ok under that lighting (provided it sits high in the rock stack). The mantle of the clam sits at about 200 PAR in my current setup, was about 140 in my old 45g tank. If you wan't a good clam and have decent lighting, consider a Tridacna Derasa, they're less picky
I havnt upgraded to MH yet :/ Wouldnt want to keep a clam with low wattage MH either for fear of it turning some ugly color and me neglecting it out of resentment :p
they have alot of those clams at a LFS here, always look at them when i go by, but i think i have stuff that would pick on the clam, i cant remember.
Is that a mystery wrasse in there??? When did you get that?? :blink:
That is a mystery wrasse. Got him the same day as I got the Punctatus Wrasses which brought the ich outbreak. He's been in my care for oh, 5 months now methinks... Gorgeous specemin. A little skittish towards quick movements from me, but a great fish none the less

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