I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure!
Cheers Ski
Seffie x
Seffie x
Well it's been a little while since I updated and since adding the Kole Tang, I have one other fish update to add . Found myself a Halichoeres melanarus at a local pet store. Usually they have really poor saltwater stock and I just went in there on a whim and found this gem of a fish. Since I don't trust the store as far as I can spit, I QT'ed him for a full month during which time he showed not a glimpse of disease. So tonight, into the family he went. Keeping a member of the Halichoeres genus means I can't have worms, shrimp, or featherdusters, but I think I'll live without them... Also means I won't have to deal with nudibranchs or flatworms ever . Anyways, I'll NEVER get a pic of this little guy cause he swims so damned fast and I don't have a $400+ SLR-style digicam to take pics of him, so you'll have to do with this borrowed one... Don't be fooled VM, the coloration is similar but not quite a Leopard
Wow I haven't checked this in so long, your tank still looks awesome.
You should enter the Tank of the Month thing, I would totally vote for you.