the addiction....

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LOL... as a matter of fact, one of my household cat's names IS Spaz. :lol:
My addiction is growing too.... A two gallon, then a ten gallon, then betta after betta..... now babies!! And my 35 that I'm getting in a couple weeks. :fun:
ugh me 2. :lol: i got my first tank when i was eight or so. it was a 10 gal and a few years later i gave up on it because my mom didn't have time to take care of it and i really ddin't want to put in the effort. not 2 mention my pleco was like a foot and a half long!!!!!! (damn lfs) the current addiction started with a betta named steve....who sadly had some sort of disease and died like 2 days later despite my efforts. now i've got 6 tanks 3 1/2 gal betta tanks 1 one gal (future betta home) and 2 10 gals and i started in august!!!!!!! if i weren't going to university next year then i would have something bigger!!!!!!!! i blame the bettas :wub: :S
my bedroom is completly overwhelmed with fish!!!!!!!! i even bought some new furniture to be able to have both tanks in my room!!!!!!! :lol:
Love the stories! and of course i am addicted too. i started out with a 20gl that was my husbends when i moved in but became mine soon after :lol: . then beleave it or not went to a 250gl saltwater wow that was a chore! i had a nurse shark she was huge. and man could she eat. so much that i sold the shark and tank to a night club that now sells feeder fish to its custmers to feed the shark.(great idea i might add). then i stoped for a while moved around a bit. but now that i bought my house i got a 55gl then another 55gl and then traded them in for a 125gl that i have now it is a saltwater tank of course. i love a chalange. :crazy:
I have realy enjoyed reading all of the stories keep them comming.
it starts with something simple.  something small.  just one betta...

Yeah, mine started with a Betta. I've actually wanted fish off and on for quite a few years but my dad always said no (Why, I have no idea. It's not as if they shed hair around the house, or bark, or... And we had dogs, cats, chickens, ducks, horses, cattle, goats, sheep, rabbits, and guinea fowl already, so I don't know what difference a few fish would have made. But anyway...). When I was about seven we did have a few little goldfish for a short while.

Just before I came back to college this year I bought a Betta. He's a lovely blue and red "mix". After seeing a signature that said someone had a Betta (or other fish), named "Spiderman", I started calling him my Spiderman fish. I'm partial to the movie "Spiderman", because my boyfriend and I went to see it on our first date :) Then I got another Betta, which died shortly after, for some reason. No, wait, I think I have that backwards. Darn it, I can't remember. Oh well. After I got to school and into my dorm room, I got another Betta - a red one.

A few weeks later my mom came to visit and thought it would be fun for me to have an aquarium. I agreed. She bought me a five gallon MiniBow, gravel, a decoration, and plants (plastic). She also got me another Betta (a blue one, with red front, long fins). I got the tank set up, waited the 24 hours recommended in the instructions that came with the tank, and went and got fish. I got a pleco, three mollies, and five tetras. Oh yeah, and two ghost shrimp. Being that the fish came from Wal-Mart, many of them died. I got replacements (they died w/in 72 hours of me getting them, so Wal-Mart replaced them free). One of the replacements I got had ich, and I didn't catch that before I brought him home and put him in my tank :( The ich spread, of course. The RHD (Residence Hall Director) is a fish person (she has numerous aquariums in her room) confirmed my suspicion that my fish had ich and gave me medicine, along with instructions for using it. Thanks, Molly!

With the exception of the pleco, all of the fish ended up dieing sooner or later. I took down my tank, after temporarily relocating the pleco and the shrimps, cleaned it well, and set it back up. I put the pleco and ghost shrimps back in, and a few days later got my platies. One of the platies died from the ich. Otherwise, all the rest are still with me. They're the ones I've been doing ich treatment for and the reason I got my 10 gallon (someplace to keep them while I cleaned the MiniBow and let it sit for a few days to kill the ich - hopefully) and my one gallon (which now houses a Betta).

Once my aquariums are cycled, I want to get a few more platies, I think. I think I want more aquariums, but my dorm room isn't very big, and having to move them is going to be a pain come winter break and summer break. I do want to either get a couple of one gallon tanks for my other two Bettas or get a two gallon MiniBow with the divider and put 'em in there. Or I might just put one in my ten gallon and one in my five gallon. So many choices :)

I love sitting and looking at my aquariums. It's so relaxing. My five gallon tank is on the desk that I do my homework at (when my boyfriend's computer isn't occupying the desk), so I can do homework and watch my fish (yes, I get homework done that way!).

My dear boyfriend has taken this all quite well. He realizes I have a fish addiction and has accepted the fact we will probably have numerous aquariums, in addition to a herd of dairy goats and other assorted critters. He's a good guy :) :wub:

aka Lizard
aka GoatGirl
i love the stories too! i'm so glad peoples' stories are coming to the surface. :D

I can do homework and watch my fish (yes, I get homework done that way!).
both of my bettas are on my desk and i've learned the hard way i can't study in front of my tanks....mmmm....relaxing....*drool*
Yeah I'm feeling ya. It started with a Beta, and then a 10 Gallon which I stupidly killed off all the tropical fish by putting Goldfish in. Now I'm up to a 30 and have spent countless nights researching PH and Nitrate and lighting and every other factor that affects the fish's health and everything. I'm sure by next year I'll have a 55 or larger plus the 30 Gallon Hexagon I have now, cuz it's just so impressive.
I just recently started with a 2.5 gallon tank (currently cycling) I'm going to put a betta in it :D I'm already looking for another addition! I was very, very tempted to get another 2.5 today for another betta :p
Hello - my name is Gadazobe - I am a fishacholic. My addiction started years ago when I just wanted something bright and colourful to put in my hallway. Little did I realise that this one little tank would lead to bigger and better tanks, to loss of monies through stocking and buying things for these bigger and better tanks. I get strange looks from my works colleagues when they see me go into ecstatics over my new addition, be it a fish, plant or even ornament. My lfs owner rubs his hands in glee when he sees me walking towards his shop - he knows that I cannot pass his place without buying something, usually quite expensive and always unnecessary.

Dear peple - I have taken the first step in admitting to this addiction - can you help me? :S :hyper: :crazy:
Dear peple - I have taken the first step in admitting to this addiction - can you help me?

I can. Sell me all of your tanks, gada. I haven't reached the first step yet so I don't mind helping you out. :lol:
hi, i'm alan and i'm a fishaholic too.

8 years ago i started with a tank that was 95 litres and quickly graduated onto a 150 litre, then i moved house, lo and behold another 150 litre tank found its way into our home. my wife then flipped a little and said the tanks have to go :-( .

a couple of fishless months pass, one of my friends says "theres this bloke who has a tank he doesn't want" and before my wife knew what happened, i came home with 2 tanks for free!!! 1 was 100 litres, the other was 50.

3 years later we moved house so i got rid of the tanks again, and after we had settled into our new place i bought a 2nd hand 100 litre corner unit. this is currently fishless cycling (thanks anna for the link) and going to house mbuna.

along the way i have kept angels, bala & rtb sharks, khuli & clown loaches, blue acaras, rainbow cichlids, wild kribs & p. taenitus, tetras & cories of many kinds and also had great fun (and heartache) whilst trying to keep all of them healthy.

i dont consider my addiction to be a problem to anyone, in fact i am trying to convert more people to the cause. :thumbs:
ABout 100 years ago when I was in tenth grade biology, I set up the "balanced" aquarium--you know 5 gal tank with the right amount of fish and live plants so that you didn't need any type of filtering system---yeh right. So i too killed em all and got a corner filter--the kind with spun glass and charcoal. Anyone remember spun glass? it got all over the place and was a pain to clean up.

Anyway I progressed upward over the years and now have a 55 gal--a bowed corner tank. Love it. Keeps me busy and I enjoy it alot.

Planning on buying Minibow 2.5 gal tanks for my grandkids so that they too can begin enjoying the joys of fish keeping. BTW has anyone tried the Minibows from All Glass Aquariums. They sell for $30 at Petsmart and have light, hood and filter and divider to separate 2 bettas if you wish.

ticman said:
Planning on buying Minibow 2.5 gal tanks for my grandkids so that they too can begin enjoying the joys of fish keeping. BTW has anyone tried the Minibows from All Glass Aquariums. They sell for $30 at Petsmart and have light, hood and filter and divider to separate 2 bettas if you wish.
I have a MiniBow five gallon. It's a nice little tank. I don't care much for the bow-front on it - I prefer tanks with a flat front. However, I don't dislike it so much that I wouldn't get another one. I've been considering getting a two gallon MiniBow for a Betta or two of mine.

If you want pics, let me know. I have a digital cam, so I can take a few pictures and send 'em to ya.

aka Lizard
The story begins at a fairground. One little girl wanting a fishy.
Enter one red betta, Nascar. Nascar lived (hangs her head in shame) in a betta hex for about 2 months then his gorgous self was as long as the hex I knew we had to do something. Off to Walmart to get a bigger tank. Awww look at those poor betta's in the cups, so out of Walmart with Nascar's new 1 gallon tank, 2 more betta's & their own 1 gallon tanks. All was well until Gypsy became ill. What to do? I had no clue but a great gadget helped me out ...the search engine! I sat amazed as I began reading about other's who cared as much about their fish as I do. Yippy!!

Along came the daughter's 2 gallon ( I realize now that was my excuse to buy it. The kiddo wants it ) Molly's joined our home. Cleaning, feeding, gazing it wasn't enough. But we were moving so I had to wait... The first day in the new house I begin bugging hubby for the new tank that was promised to me 55 gallon arrived within a week of the move.

As I sit writting this I gaze over at my wonderful tank and mentally refigure the family budget to add just one more decoration, one more tank...hmmm if we cut back on this or that can we afford the 125 gal. that the lfs just got in stock...have to hurry before someone else beats me to it...

I have point blank told hubby we WILL have at least 2 more tanks before he can put his foot down lol besides he can't say no I've designed the new kitchen around the future tank and if he says no it will throw the remodeling into a tailspin...

My family laugh at me,shake their heads and walk away from me when I get going on & on about my fish.. But that's okay they don't understand me & I don't understand them. I have all of you to talk to :D

Bless you & your fish :wub:
Started about four months ago. I had alot of money from babysitting, and my mom had recently added goldfish to her 200 gallon pond. So I decided a 10 gallon starter kit. Idiotically I added 7 fish the DAY AFTER I got the tank. :no: :no: :no: Boy was I stupid. 8 days later I was struck head on with ich, fungus and amonia poisoning. I was about to give up, but I told myself that I couldn't abandon my tank yet. So I kept working on it. Once NTS was over, I left the two fish (Which where platys) stay in the tank by themselves for a while. I gradually added new fish over the next two months. Before I knew it, I was begging to my parents to upgrade me to a twenty gallon. But fortunatly, my groovy dadio said "If we are gonna upgrade, we should just go to 30 gallons and let everyone put a couple of fish in." So this afternoon we went out and bought a 30 gallon tank kit :D I don't know how I am gonna ever give up fish, EVER! I love them way too much :thumbs:
started a few years ago with a betta in a minibowl 1 gallon
he lived on my desk for ages
before i knew it i threw down for my 20 gallon starter which i still run
next thing you know, about a year later I gather up about 160 bucks picked up a 75 gallon. after months of savings i was about to buy all my filters and subtrate and pirahnas
i'm currently saving up for a 125 gallon saltwater reef tank
somebody stop me :lol:

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