Tell me something funny


17 degrees this morn and 3 new inches of powered snow. need to drive my truck to the optometrist tomorrow morn so I took the leaf blower and blasted all the snow off the truck. fired up my snow blower and cleaned off the driveway. backed the truck in front of my garage and tried to open the passenger door and it wouldn't budge. got out my heat gun and had the truck blowing hot air in the cab and I on the outside heating the rim of the door. after 15 minutes of that the door wouldn't budge till I remembered I only unlocked the drivers door. pressed on the key fob and viola the door opened easily. I'm getting too old to work around brain farts.
Not sure that this belongs here but I think it is sort of funny. ;)

I was going through some old photos and thought someone might get a kick out of the following poor turkey trying to fly up the bank of the Little Goose Creek behind my apartments. Taken with a Canon EOS Rebel T3 with the ISO set at around 1100. I have a T7 now but the T3 still works fine except that the battery/SD card cover is broken. I have the T3 rigged so that it works fine even without the cover but it was a good excuse for a new camera. ;)


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