funny how things seem to fail in groups...

A friend was in a Chinese factory when the assembly line switched brand name filter making. What changed? The housings. The guts seemed close to the same. So if you buy two brands of lower price range heaters the same day...

When equipment would break, my grandmother was known to say "Jesus Murphy would you look at that!" I have wondered if this Spanish Irish trickster god is behind Murphy's Law. But I think with aquarium gear, it's greed and the need to feed shareholders - the stuff is made to fail and we can no longer demand quality. I mean, we can demand, but business isn't democratic and it doesn't listen to us.

There's an expectation that aquariums will be a fad for many buyers. They'll set them up and lose interest. People on forums tend to be in for the long haul, and we wear things out. They are often well designed to fail, and they clump together.

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