Ok. Re-scape ahoy!
Placed an order last night for a large piece of Redmoor wood from AE along with some other bits and bobs (gotta get that free shipping!
) I also have my regulator now, and its all attached to the fire extinguisher. I've ordered some more CO2 tubing to get it all setup correctly, and how I want. I'm starting to think I might not use a solenoid as some of the guys here suggest its good to avoid the PH swings, (thanks again for the solenoid though sam!)
So, my plan is this. On the right side I'll have the redmoor wood lying and branching towards the centre (and possibly beyond, it will be a large piece I think). Around the right side/base of the redmoor I'll have some other bits of bogwood and disguise them with needle leaf java fern, philippine java fern and then some mosses (probably flame or weeping). The mosses will be tied to the redmore in patches too. Also around the base of the redmoor I'll have anubias. Above all this, floating on the surface I'll have amazon frogbit maintaining a shadey end (growing wildly at the moment!)
On the left I'll have a fair few Crypt. Balansae growing along the edge and in the corner, along with a crinum calamistratum or two and maybe some Crypt. Spiralis if I can get some. I'm going to remove the large piece of wood thats in there at the moment and will plant a nice large bunch of Echinodorus latifolius to the right and slightly infront of the crypts and crinums, making a nice clump. Next to this I'll plant possibly some Rotala of some sort. Some sort of stem plant. This will be towards the rear of the tank and cover the middle section (behind some of the redmoor). In front of this I'll hace something either low growing or carpeting, maybe glosso, maybe even some utricularia graminifolia (like I'm planning for my small tank).
Thats about it! Hopefully it will look a lot neater than it does now. Its just rampant hygro. everywhere at the moment. Its a realy jungle at the moment! I'll try and scribble something in photoshop later