Steve's Rio 180 Low Light Planted

just read your polysperma melted, if you want I can send you some for nout.
just pm me (Y)
Thanks for the offer mate, I'll see how I get on. Might be ordering some more stuff this week as the stem plants I ordered don't seem enough... I guess they'll grow out though :)
Whoops Dunno how i missed this Steve.
It looked really good when i saw it.
Heads up on some nice Fish that would look really nice in there.
Rob has got Lampeye Killies at tetra prices. If your lucky he will let you have 7 for 2.50.
He's Got loads of BBG's in aswell.
I'll post some pics tonight when I've finished off and got everyone back into the tank.

Thanks for the suggestions :) Not so sure about BBGs (Bumblebee Gobies right?) Sound a little like hard work. Look nice though :) One thing I don't have is a lot of places for my CAE to hide. I'm going to add some of the old bogwood but I really think I should re-home him, as he doesn't fit in with the look way I want the decor set up :|
Ok, a couple of pics of the re-scape...

Gone from this:


to this:



Comments welcome! Still need to tie some moss and such to the redmoor wood. I think I've got it in a more or less pleasing position. Exscuse the mesh with moss and the odd floating plant, I've just got home from work so not re-planted them yet :p

Edit: Planning on something up front to cover the bulb of the crinum. Also hoping to get some glosso planted up down front too :)
Looking sweet :good:

The plants look like they're in a good position and I can't wait to see this more matured. Glosso should add to the effect too.
Love the wood matey! This should look quality :)

What size of redmoor wood is that?

Tank looks great, cant wait to see it filled in a bit!


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