Steve's Rio 180 Low Light Planted


UKAPS member
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
Coventry, West Midlands
Well, just got a few plants in and lits at least looking better than the pots floating about :) More plants to be added/ordered :D

Whole tank:


Left side:


Right side and CAE:


Long shot:


This is the plan as to how I want to plant it:


I posted planting info in this thread, but I'll repeat it here to keep it in one place!

On the left side it would be the more bushy stem like plants. In front will be some Bacopa Australis, with some stones and small hard scape. Then behind that will be some Hygrophila Polysperma to go with the existing Hygrophila corymbosa ''Siamensis 53B''. Behind/staggered to the right of that a little will be a Hydrocoytle Leucocephela behind the bogwood to give a different texture. Also, a Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae in the back corner to echo the right side (read on).

In the middle is the grassy stuff - Elecharis "Parvula". I was going to add Echinodorus Angustifolius for the mid/back ground but the parvula seems to be plenty long enough. This will be spread right to left, but focused in the middle more. Maybe some of the Vallis mentioned below will spread along the back too. There is also a Cryptocoryne x willisii at the back/left.

Then on the right, Java Ferns (normal and "philipine") with some mosses on the bogwood. Also some Anubias Barteri var. Augstifolia latched on to the bogwood. This is a nice secluded home for my CAE! Behind these will be some Vallis. Vallisneria Americana (Natans) in the corner, Vallisneria Nana left a bit and also a Crinum Calamistratum to provide a different texture, all waving about a little and mingling (hopefully). Also, down on the front right, some Marsilea Hirsuta to try and echo the Bacop on the left side, although the CAE has been burrowing, so placement might have to be adjusted when I plant it.
I am interested to hear more about it, as I am working on a 180 litre bowfront tank at the moment. Since no CO2 systems available here, would like to know how you are going to do this.... I can definitively learn something from it! :good:
I am interested to hear more about it, as I am working on a 180 litre bowfront tank at the moment. Since no CO2 systems available here, would like to know how you are going to do this.... I can definitively learn something from it! :good:

Well. I have DIY CO2 which I set up the other day but the diffuser I bought seems to not want to diffuse :blink: It probably needs a clean, but the thought of doing this every week isn't appealing, and also I don't think its a good setup for this size tank. I'm seriously considering taking the step to pressurised CO2. The deltec disposable setup seems to go relatively cheap second hand ona good day on ebay, so might just keep an eye out.

Lighting is stock Juwel light unit with 2 shockingly bad tubes (one day light, one "blue"). These are being replaced ASAP with 30w daylight plus/arcadia freshwater tubes (whatever I can get). So, 60w over 47gal gives roughly 1.27 wpg. Might be a little more as I'm not taking into account substrate and stuff, so probably more like 43gal or something. The reflectors need replacing also, as they are all calcified and essentially crap!

Substrate is approx 1cm of Tetraplant Complete topped with Pea gravel (about 3 or 4cm)

Those internal filters will come out in a few weeks when the new Tetratec EX700 has cycled properly :)
Actually, I'm considering Flourish Excel for getting Carbon and traces into the tank instead of CO2. I need a general conscensus I guess...
Just about finished planting it. Planting went a little off track, as AE was having a plant sale etc etc :rolleyes: :lol:

Anyhow, I've planted as much as I think I can get away with, possibly too much but we'll see. Basically I planted some Ludwigia repens as it was cheap and thought I'd risk it. This has replaced the Hygrophila Polysperma and the Hydrocoytle Leucocephela. I still want to plant some of the Hydrocoytle Leucocephela but I'll wait and see how everything takes :) I've planted some Vallisneria americana 'Mini twister' on the left also.

In the middle I've added some Juncus Repens. I've liked the look of this plant, and thought I'd give it a go as it was cheap :)

I'm not bothering so much with the Crinum Calamistratum as it is too expensive :| I've only gone with one Vallis on the right also, Vallisneria spiralis ''Tiger.

I also removed the java moss from the left bit of wood and replaced it with new stuff. Sadly I don't think the first lot was doing so well. Also tied on some Anubias nana to this, and to the wood on the right side.

So thats the planting done (for now!)

I've also added my 4 leopard danios today. Floated them and set them free. They're settling down now but almost had fireworks when they found the CAE lurking in his hiding spot :D They were scared at fist, as he started swimming about protecting his turf, but they ganged up on him and he ran away. They're all comming to terms with each other now so seems to have settled.

Re-jigged the heater to tidy up the back so all tubes and stuff are stashed neatly in the corner now. Just looking forwards to removing the two internal filters now :)

I haven't got my camera at the moment, but promise I'll take pics soon! Just have to take my word for it, I'm pleased with it so far!

Oh yeah, and I've replaced the tubes with 2 Arcadia freshwaters :)
Quick photo update.

I have more photos but don't have the software on my laptop. Anyway this is how it looks at the moment :)

Looking good! :good: A good way to increase light penetration in tanks is to fill the tank a little past the black rim, if you can. The lighting then has a better change of penetrating past the surface. When the tank isn't filled, the light bounces around the sides of the glass, resulting in a smaller percentage of light actually penetrating the surface. Sometimes, you can't do this.

Looking good! :good: A good way to increase light penetration in tanks is to fill the tank a little past the black rim, if you can. The lighting then has a better change of penetrating past the surface. When the tank isn't filled, the light bounces around the sides of the glass, resulting in a smaller percentage of light actually penetrating the surface. Sometimes, you can't do this.


Thanks for the tip :) The level is just about above the black tank frame, but the floor is slightly sloped so its not on the right edge. I'll top it up when I do a water change this weekend :)
Ok, at last, some more pics :)



From the left end:


Left front looking right:


Left side planting - Ludwigia repens, Crypt. crispatula, Anubias nana, Bacopa australis at the front (starting to grow better, was in a bad state when bought), Hygrophila corymbosa 'Siamensis 53B', Java moss and hiding on the left side Vallisneria americana 'Mini twister':


Right side planting - Juncus repens hiding back left, Vallisneria spiralis 'Tiger', some Egeria Densa and Cabomba for algae control, Taiwan moss on the bogwood along with some Java ferns and another Anubias nana hiding centre back. Marsilea Hirsuta spreading very nicely at the front and developing its new shaped leaves as its adapting :


I actually managed to get a Crinium Calamistratum on the 3 for £9 at P@H. Was on ok condition just small. Planting that soon, and maybe removing a bit of the Parvula grassy stuff.

I just need to sort out a fertilizer routine now!

Comments welcome!
Ok, pics of fish! Got it stocked yesterday with 8x Pentazona Barbs and 8x Harlequin Rasbora :) They all seem to have settled in well. Sorry, lots of pics!!

Whole tank - Most hiding as soon as the camera came out!


Harlequins, Pentazona and leopard danios:











All pics (including some not on this page) are on my photo gallery :)
Well, its been nearly 2 months. Sadly I lost a few fish to what I believe was cotton mouth :( Managed to get those who I thought were affected into a hospital tank, and 3 weeks on 2 were still alive and looked healthy enough so they were returned to the main tank and seem fine.

The tank itself has been an algae nightmare. I've not had the time to get my fert routine down, and money has been tight so its slipped. But I'm reigning it in now. I'm re-planting a bit, and adding another piece of bog wood soon. I'll be getting rid of some of the pavula as its really not giving the affect I was originally going for.

On the plus side, one of my Anubias Nana decided to flower :)

I'll get it spruced up and take some new photos in the next few weeks :)
Replaced all of the Hygrophila corymbosa 'Siamensis 53B' with Hygrophila Polysperma and had a little bit of a re-scape. I moved the java mossed wood on the left to my cold water tank. The Java moss had gone nuts and was growing really well, but was covered in snails. Hopefully my fancy goldfish will take care of them in a natural way ("yum, yum *crunch* :shifty: )

I bought another bit of wood which I'm unsure about, but its now got some narrow java ferns and a smaller patch of java moss on it too. This is on the left instead. My plan is to remove the mini-twister vallis on the left too, and replace with R. Rotundiflora for a nice tall stem forest. My pentazona's seem to like this corner as its more sheltered, but its not very tall at the moment. I think the Rotala will quickly fill this space :) Towards the front, behind the Bacopa Australis (which is growing nice and bushy) I've planted a Crinum calamistratum. I hope it will provide the long curvey lines I was looking for originally, along with the Crypt. Balansae, and contrast with the R.Rotundiflora :)

I've also re-jigged the two bits of wood on the right, rotating the larger one so now I can actually see the Xmas moss, and moving the other out. The other is now quite visable, with some Bolbitis Heteroclita tied to it. I'm hoping they will grow and develope a sort of nice layered shadey spot. The CAE seems happier with a larger yet more hidden "cave" to skulk in with the moss flowing over the edge of the wood, and the other fish can still swim under it :)

I've gotten rid of the giant vallis. I don't think it was too happy. It had sent out a lot of runners, but looked in a sorry state. The Excel I'm dosing now doesn't seem to have helped either. Instead I planted a second Crypt. Balansae as the first is growing great and looks good so far. Oh yeah, and I've added some amazon frogbit floating about, hoping that it will encourage the pentazonas up to the surface a little more. The Rasboras seem to like it so far...

Anyhow, thats the update. The pics will be along later today I hope, after I give the glass a clean. Don't expect anything fancy :p

Edit: Oh yeah, forgot to say that I've added another 30w tube to the back of the tank to increase my lighting as I felt it wasn't really enough. Its currently got one of the old tubes in it, but will soon be replaced with Zoo Med Ultra Sun Super Daylight Lamp from AE. Hopfully it'll provide a different colour rendition to go nicely with the two arcadia freshwater lamps. The new starter is on a seperate timer so I get an hour of it on its own, then approx 10 hours of all 3 tubes/90w then an hour on its own in the evening.
Well, here it is as it stands about an hour ago. Still need to go buy some R. Rotundifolia/flora (whatever!) and replace the mini vallis on the left side. Other than that, I'm going to leave it, pruning the stems when needed and thickening out the stems. Might try and rig up some sort of way to hold the amazon frogbit in one place untill it sort of grows together in a clump :)

Comments welcome :)


Edit: Hopefully the Bolbitis will start to grow towards the light too :rolleyes:
Its coming along really nicely :) just needs to fill out a bit, but should look great given time :)


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