Spawning Madness

So how is the new fish room helper working out? When you dropped down to 50, tnen increased to 100, did you increase the average size of the tanks?

How are the babies? Which babies do you have?
So how is the new fish room helper working out?
Lasted one day. I set the bar, quite high.
When you dropped down to 50, tnen increased to 100, did you increase the average size of the tanks?
I have 4 - 5 G, 96 - 10 G and 5 - 20 G.
How are the babies? Which babies do you have?
P.S. I have 19 spawns since Saturday. Here is the scorecard:

C. caudimaculatus = 100% infertile. Third time in a row. I don't think I have any males.

C. sterbai = 100% infertile. Haven't spawned in years. It's never warm enough for them.

C. venezuelanus = 100% infertile. Unusual for them. Usually 80% viable.

C. aeneus "Albino" = 50% infertile. Unusual for them. Usually 80% viable.

C. sarareensis = 100% infertile. Third time in a row.

C. adolfoi = 100% infertile. First time this group has spawned. They need to work the kinks out.

C129 = 100% infertile. Second time in a row. Sent a proven group to another breeder and his first spawn was the same.

S. kronei = 95% infertile. Just had two successful spawns.

C. simulatus = 95% infertile. Normal for them. I have some F1, young adults to add to the reverse trio. That should help.

C. duplicareus = 90% infertile. Unusual for them.

C. aeneus "Black" = 80% infertile. Normal for them. I now have Blacks that have made it past 30 days.

C. similis = 80% viable. Normal for them although it's the first spawn in months.

C042 = 80% viable. Same as last time.

S. prionotus = 90% viable. Normal for them.

C118 = 90% viable. Normal for them, so far.

C035 = 100% viable. Unusual for them. Usually 100% infertile.

C. weitzmani = 100% viable. Normal for them.

S. barbatus = 100% viable. Normal for them.

C. nattereri = 100% viable. Normal for them.

If anyone ever tries to tell you that Cory spawning slows down in the hot weather, ask them to pass the bong - as they be hallucinating. - Frank
Now what would us aged ex-hippies know about bongs?????

Is that a good score for your babies? Are congrats in order? I may save your score card for future reference. Would you like to post your average score card on your fish for us to gage ourselfs by?--Spawn through to juvie adult?

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