Sorry Got To Say It


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Nov 5, 2004
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Melafix is crap and seen to many fish keepers using it for the wrong reasons.
Its only good on cuts and wounds, no good on bacterial finrot, only time to use melafix is when the fins are healing to stop them getting infected.
What have you used melafix for and did it work.
Im currently using it to treat some sort of fungus/columnaris/bacterial problem and its working wonders rite now,fish are eating again and getting back to normal looking.
Its only been 3 days and it looks like its helping quite a bit on the remaining fish in the tank.

I have used melafix in the past to treat the same type of problems and didnt have much success i guess it all depends on how soon you spot the disease(s)
Wilder if i think back over the years, everytime i have noticed any kind of small white spot on a live-bearer (not ich or velvet) or something that looks like any kind of whiteness, i have added Melafix and Pimafix at same time, and within 48 hrs most symptoms gone and within 72 hrs all symptoms gone. This has happened at least 3 times.

So i dont know how good Melafix is, but i do know that in conjunction with Pimafix it seems to have benefited my fish
Are you using the melafix with anything else if you are treating for columnaris,
Melafix does work better with pimafix, but I wouldn't relie on melafix just on its own.
Taken from the link.
For most of the skin abnormality like scratches, tear, wounds etc.. seem to respond like magic to Melafix. I would certainly make that my immediate and first treatment. It's probably all you need to do. If it is a parasitic skin affliction, Tetracycline (Maracyn II) will have no effect. Melafix is not a medication, but seems to be a universal tonic with great effectiveness for skin and scale disorders.
I've used it for treating both of my bettas when they got into an argument with the filter intake grate and cut their heads.

Currently using it on one of my betta while he recovers from his bout with finrot.
Thats the problem melafix is no good on bloat or finrot.
Finrot is a gram positive bacteria.
Melafix is only good when fins have healed and you have got rid of the bacteria.
Its always made ripped fins on my fish heal up very quickly.
Ripped fins is different if a fish has pecked at them, the melafix has stopped them getting infected.
Bacterial finrot comepletely different to ripped fins.
If you put in the search engine melafix and pimafix how they work and don't work fetches some good info up.
If you put in the search engine melafix and pimafix how they work and don't work fetches some good info up.

Yes, i typed in "melafix and pimafix how they work and don't work" into Google and it was interesting, i was particuarly interested in one study that found that using Melafix and Pimafix can actually become such a good food source for some bacteria that there is a "bloom" that results in oxygen depletion for the fish, but i always increase surface agitation a lot when adding medications.

Basically i think what one study was getting at, is that some bacteria that melafix does not kill, gets stronger as it can use the melafix as food source! Whether this is "good" or "bad" bacteria i am not sure (that uses the Melafix as a food source)
Thats the problem melafix is no good on bloat or finrot.
Finrot is a gram positive bacteria.
Melafix is only good when fins have healed and you have got rid of the bacteria.
finrot is a gram negative bacteria according to the maracyn fish disease guide.
Thanks fry lover.
To say the company makes alot of money out of melafix, they havent done alot of research into there product.
Thats the problem melafix is no good on bloat or finrot.
Finrot is a gram positive bacteria.
Melafix is only good when fins have healed and you have got rid of the bacteria.

You didn't even bother reading what I had wrote. You saw finrot and that was it.

I'm using it on my betta as his tails regrows, not as a cure.

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