Sophos9 - Planted Tank Journal

i bought the Hydor 200W which only fits 12mm filter hoses. Your one will fit 300mm, so you should be OK, but please check before you cut in to any hoses.

my tank was heavily planted from the word go, which meant that it did not cycle, so i can`t give any advice as to when your cycle is complete.
i bought the Hydor 200W which only fits 12mm filter hoses. Your one will fit 300mm, so you should be OK, but please check before you cut in to any hoses.

my tank was heavily planted from the word go, which meant that it did not cycle, so i can`t give any advice as to when your cycle is complete.

This one is the 300w and fits 16mm hoses although 12mm fitted ok after some lube :crazy:

I've just added some more plants tonight (Amazon Swords), will have to keep an eye on things!
I did, of course, mean 16mm and not 300mm, that would have to be one hell of a filter for hoses that diameter.
I've been thinking about using the hydor inline heater for awhile now, so can you guys recommend the change? I'll probably need the 200w. Is it like the theo were you can run it dry without damage? Do yuo know what sort of guarantee they give with the inline and if someone out there been using one,how long have you been using it?
Sorry Sophos9 abit of topic there, great looking tank, be patient once those plants start growing you'll wish they where slower growers. looking forward to progress. :good:
Nothing to be sorry about...

So far so good! It does exactly what its supposed to and allows you to remove the unsightly thermostat from the tank. I'm guessing it removes any hot spots as the warm water will circulate the tank and yep, you are supposed to be able to run it for a short while with no flow but thats something I'm not going to test. I did read of several websites that there is a 2 year replacement warrenty!

All in all, a great unit for a good price (bought mine off ebay)

Thanks for the compliments!!
So one week on, how is it going?


Well everything seems to be growing fine... I'm getting some more fast growers today and have ordered a Hagen Glomat single starter for another 25w tube. The reason I bought a single is due to the vision not having enough room at the front for another T8 so I've got to think about it, maybe a T5.

Today I noticed a a sudden (overnight) amount of brown algae growing on leaves and the side of the tank, I guess this is the norm??
ya the borwn algae is normal cuz ur tank is new, ottos or bristle nose plec will get rid of it
Cool, have 2 NB plecs that can help out soon.

Can anyone help with water surface breakage.... I have changed the spray bar positioning as it was causing damage to the plants, now it pushes water across the tank and which causes slight ripples along the waters surface.

Is a ripple enough to lose Co2?
Got some more gear today...

Most importantly, I got the cold cathodes and wired them up



Will post up tonight how they look when the lights are off :hyper:

and I also got the glomat started so got an extra 25w at the back with reflector....



This single goes on 15mins before the other T8's and turns off 15mins after the main lights

2 BN plecs have started the algae munch helped by 4 shrimps
I've dropped the voltage to 6v so this *should* create a simulation of moonlight so I can my nocturnals playing. The moonlights come on at 9:30, 9:45 main lights go off and at 10:00, the single goes...

There are not really any tangible benefits apart from it looking great and with the plants pearling, should be sweet!!

Will post a piccy up when they are on and I've got the levels right....
Here is the tank with the moonlights running, I think they look great!



This photo does not do the pearling plants justice really :unsure:

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