Fish Fanatic
Wow Moody, looking really good! The Riccia you sent me is growing lovely too by the way, thanks for that
mikster Posted Nov 8 2006, 11:30 PM
That tank is superb, i was amazed at how good it looked when you first set it up but now it looks even better. I wish i could find some rocks that cool
Gill Posted Yesterday, 07:58 AM
Incredible Tank,
Where are you getting these cubes from. Are they Vases?
I've seen similiar designs in Wilko but they are only about 750ml size
Themuleous Posted Yesterday, 09:38 AM
Nice mate just wonder if it needs something at the front? Seems very squashed into one corner? But that could just be the camera.
Plants certainly look healthy
BigIan Posted Yesterday, 11:18 AM
Thats looking amazing. But have to agree with Themuleous it does look a little crushed into one corner, but then i guess thats what you were trying to acheeve so it looks like the rocks coming out of the sea??
littlelegs Posted Yesterday, 11:29 AM
i think it looks fantastic. i cant fault it at all.
excaliborg Posted Yesterday, 11:39 AM
Wow Moody, looking really good! The Riccia you sent me is growing lovely too by the way, thanks for that
lljdma06 Posted Yesterday, 01:18 PM
To me, it looks almost like a desert scape, like something you'd see in Southern CA or New Mexico. You have sand for miles and then where there's a little water, poof! A small patch of green among the rocks. It think it's very effective, Moody, and I like the scape a lot.
George Farmer Posted Yesterday, 11:13 PM
Hi Graeme,
I was wondering how this was getting on. Sorry to hear about algae, the last thing you need when moving.
Your stones are very beautiful but I'm not sure on the central two verticals. The biggest stone is dead centre and for me this doesn't work. I think the foreground vertical stone may look better if tilted right slightly. All this said I have no doubt your scaping skills are better than mine so I could be talking nonsense and if you did take my advice then it could look worse!
I also think your low plant bio-mass may have helped to trigger your algae. I'd stick some weeds in there temporarily.
Nice camera. I like the back lighting too.
Dave Spencer Posted Yesterday, 11:42 PM
Your latest photo is stunning, but to steal an idea from George, how about a few ripples on the water`s surface to add a little animation?
wei0204 Posted Today, 06:38 AM
This is a real simple and nice tank. The algae problem is not that serious guess.
Love it.
fishkiller_nomore Posted Today, 06:42 AM
I like how your moss looks Was that how they naturally grew or did you have to fluff 'em up? My christmas moss grew thick and on the slate, instead of getting all wild and bushy I had to fluff it up with a stick to make them go bushy. *sigh*
They have all been take with my NEW Digital SLR Cannon 350D.