Hi guys up date time.
All has been going well down at Soar.
Water changes have been done every other day without fail! with dechlorinated tap water @ 50% at each water change.
Fertilizing has been ADA brighty step one @ 5 drops the first week and then 10 drops there after, yesterday i dropped this down to 7 drops. The fertilizer is added after each water change.
The plants are doing well the Riccia be the most obvious but the moss is also growing well.
There is a slight hint of algae on my sand. I have no animals in there apart from some snails ( the curly flat type
) and some cyclops. Not sure what I'm going to do if this becomes an issue, my water isn't pure enough for shrimp and i cant bring myself to buy RO water from a shop, ill be there every flipping day
no that would be to tempting!
Did my first test only PH and KH!
The cube has ADA aqua soil Malay. I know this substrate effects KH so i was interested to see what my KH reading was, well the water is that soft that the KH didn't even register, all i know is its below 10ppm thats 0.6 degrees or less, i cross referenced this with my PH and if the KH was at 10ppm this would give me 18ppm of Co2. Ordinarily in this cube without ADA substrate the amount of Co2 that i am putting in would be around 45ppm Co2. So now knowing these figure i have pushed the Co2 up, I have no reading as yet.
Before i cranked it up i was running at one bubble per 2.5 seconds now its one bubble per 2 seconds ( I'm going to increase this again further!).
I have to admit, i don't fully understand the relationship between KH and PH. I know they are linked to each other and have tried reading numerous articles on the subject but still struggle to fully understand the whole chemistry. Any one who can give me a layman's description would be great!
OK OK heres some picture taken tonight.