Show Off Your Tank!

2nd tank, few months old, needs some more growing in (really should get around to buying pressurised CO2)
still need to decide on a pair or trio of something to finish it off


Now this is my kinda tank!!! The colors in there are so beautiful. I want it!! :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
2nd tank, few months old, needs some more growing in (really should get around to buying pressurised CO2)
still need to decide on a pair or trio of something to finish it off


This is lovely. Not a hint of plastic plant or ghastly ornament in sight.

Could you tell me what the floating plants are?


Ok so I wanted to share my tank . Bare in mind I am a very newbieon decro arrangement what I want and how I want to alllook. But this is a start and thought I can start from here. after I get the hang of keeping fish alove. I will planon switching to live plants. :) I keep taking more andmore out as the days go by. I think looking at pic I havve more to move out and around.


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I almost bought that wood ornament a few months ago. I would place it dead center. Would give you a nice convex shape.
I almost bought that wood ornament a few months ago. I would place it dead center. Would give you a nice convex shape.

how many plants do I really need. I wanted to make sure they had enough to hide and feel safe. I like the darker green ones with the bigger leaves then soe of the others. I will do the center thing tho sounds good.
A small request ... could everyone tell us what fish they have in their tanks? Many of us have that information in our signatures, but many don't and it would be interesting to see.

Daughters bedroom tank.

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What is the flowering plant toward the back? It looks dangerously close to a peace lily (spathiphyllum)[font="arial][size="3"].[/size][/font]

Daughters bedroom tank.

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What is the flowering plant toward the back? It looks dangerously close to a peace lily (spathiphyllum) Very pretty tank[font="arial][size="3"].[/size][/font]
Looks like anubias, mine has just flowered & looks just like that
With the T-5 lighting watch out for co2 problems. They can look the same as nutrient deficiencies. I had a problem with my 46g when I switched to T-5 lighting and thought it was nutrients, but after awhile I tried Seachem Excel and it melted some of my stems like the Egeria densa, but the rest of the plants perked up. I am currently running the original lighting, but it isn't as nice to look at as the T-5's. I really wanted the Egeria densa "Anacharis" in this tank thats why the cutback on light.

Anyway..your tank looks great! I have a great place to buy fertilizers if you need any. They even refund some shipping if it costs less.

I haven't noticed any Co2 problems as of yet and at 61 watts for a 36 gallon it's only 1.694 watts per gallon. It's also very deep for it's size, so you have to assume it could use more wattage rather than less. Zach's 20 gallon has (2) 24 watt bulbs for a total of 48, which is 2.4 watts per gallon. I will venture into Co2 sooner or later but right now I need a better light fixture for my other 20 gallon. It only has a T8 15 watt bulb and the only plants doing well in it are Anubias & Java Fern.

Oh, and please post where I can get cheap ferts, thanks in advance. :good:

Where'd you buy the lights?

I got my 30" Coralife from if I remember correctly. Here's a direct link:

The same unit I have should fit your 29 gallon like a glove.
Apologies but at present u gave 9 lemon tetras, 5 beacon tetras, 8 harlequin rasboras & an albino plec. Have provisionally been offered 8 tiger barbs but still but unsure as/if to get them as don't want to stress my other fish out and I know they are generally bullies ..... decision decisions!!
Oh yes, Dazzler by name & Dazzler by nature!!! Lol.
A bit pricey, but maybe once my tank looks really good thanks :good:

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