Show Off Your Tank!

Its actually a mirrored background. There are some areas where it has peeled off a little bit (bought the tank second hand) but those areas are hidden by the sand. I am worried that if I take a razor blade to it, it will scratch the glass, or look nasty and gunky.
It's too bad it's all filled and operating. Maybe when you switch tanks you can work on it. What might work then is to take some really strong tape, like packing tape, and put it over the mirrored glaze. Then take a credit card and really stick it to the glaze. Then pull the tape up slowly and gently. I'd think a lot of that stuff would come with it.
Was off of eBay mate. paid about £12. Alot cheaper than proper 'aquarium 3d backgrounds'

You could make your own by sticking bits of rocks to a piece of perspex and then sticking it to the back panel. Make sure you use aquarium sealant though.
And do you know if it is plastic or Polystyrene or anything?

Thanks for the help, but making my own sounds like art homework to me :p
I would like to present to you my new and updated fish tank! I have been working on planting this for over 2 hours and I have finally gotten around to taking some pictures. Also if you may, I added some pictures of my plant's roots. Could you please tell me if they are planted right?

My Tank!




Was off of eBay mate. paid about £12. Alot cheaper than proper 'aquarium 3d backgrounds'

You could make your own by sticking bits of rocks to a piece of perspex and then sticking it to the back panel. Make sure you use aquarium sealant though.
And do you know if it is plastic or Polystyrene or anything?

Thanks for the help, but making my own sounds like art homework to me :p

Polystyrene mate.
I'e added some more plants now, still would like it to look better.
Sorry for the rubbish pic, anyone know how to get decent pics off an iPad?
Oh, excuse the fork, it's weighing down the courgette for the Oto's

So I found backgrounds for my larger tanks!! Yay!!! And yes, I know the glass is dirty. My day off is monday and I am rescaping these tanks and doing a good glass cleaning :p

55g before:


55g after:


75g before:


75g after:

They look better with a background :good: also like the new rock layout :)
Looks much better than my rubbish. I'm terrible at scaping.
Tonyb111111 said:
This Old Spouse said:
Tonyb111111 said:
My first tank. Four days since filled and just about to start cycling. Will be doing some planting this weekend then leaving them to mature. I already appear to have some new growth on the existing plants, which is encouraging considering my track record in the garden


This is nice! Any way you can get a bigger photo up? We've found that using an online editor like or flickr to upload your photos, then copying the direct link there, then using the "insert image" tool here is the easiest way to upload photos, especially once you get used to it.

Thanks, i am putting a lot of effort into getting the tank right before introducing fish. I would love tutter decent pic but I have an iPad which doesn't support Flash etc etc, will try to find a better app to get decent picture

Right, let's try this link instead
I'm just asking this question since it has something to do with my tank. I just added Dwarf Hairgrass and moneywort 24 hours ago. I also added SeaChem root tabs to help for growth. Today I check them and some parts of them seem to be really brown or browning up. Others are nice and green though. I did notice while I was planting them that some of them had longer roots while others seemed to just have the grass part with a tiny bit of white. My point of view is that if those parts browned then all of the rest should've too, so its the ones that didn't have roots. What do you think?

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