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Looking great mate. The Senegal sand looks awesome! Definately want to use it at some point in the future!
@Zikofski, Its taking shape mate, Im liking that Unipac Senegal. Got great colour :) Am I right in thinking I read that you got that branch in the woods ?
I'll put mine up, I've finally got sand and some good plants in it, not all that great looking and have had some bad comments lately





Yes I did get the wood well from my back garden in the end haha and the sand yes is senegal but shop was selling it a silica sand :) thnx everyone :)
I'll put mine up, I've finally got sand and some good plants in it, not all that great looking and have had some bad comments lately

nothing wrong with it :) Just needs a little "more". Painted back or aquarium background of your choice. Take out the non aquatic plants, which are all the ones along the front, try planting like its not a vegetable patch. Add a few bits of bogwood and you got a nice little tank there :) Liking the black substrate! :)
I'll put mine up, I've finally got sand and some good plants in it, not all that great looking and have had some bad comments lately

Care you share your substrate? I'm looking for black and thought that Unipac Granite black looked nice but I've not seen it in person yet! Yours looks perfect!
This is my substrate that I got from petsmart, barely needed any washing and looks great, only $18 a bag and one bag covers about 20 gallons, so I bought 3 bags and there I was with a beautiful substrate! I was told that the plants in the front are for aquariums, I haven't had any problems out of them yet, I spaced everything out bc I figured it would all grow out, I'm looking for some wood to put in there, what kinds of wood are ok to put in my tank?
They are ribbons right? They are commonly sold as aquarium plants but are more likely to rot than thrive. I had to get onto my lfs for selling them as aquatic.
Here's the start of mine but the sealant on the backing WONT DRY!!!! :angry: :angry:

Say's 24hours and its been on there longer than that!

One day! Lol.. Dont no what fish to put in it yet tho.. any Idea's? Already have a albino pleco but thats it.
Where did you all buy your 3D backgrounds? Im thinking about getting one because the one I have now feels like the tank just "stops" at the back. ;)

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