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this should never happen in Alabama.

(by the way, it was 82 degrees here last monday. :sick: this state is too hot, too)

lmao that happens here all the time:p never really bad though except for once lastyear:p i love smashing the ice off the cars after an icy night:p

This is my brand new car, I got it on July 27 :D and it has heated seats :D It's a 2007 VW City Jetta, which is what I have wanted toooo bad for a while :D Except even though the dark grey was the colour i really wanted, I find it gets dirty looking quite fast lol, and I don't know how to make that not happen

The pictures are a little dark because the sun was setting at my boyfriend's house when they were taken, and there's trees where we were standing lol


Hi guys

Further up the page you can see i had a bit of a bump lol , well this is how it turned out, iv just copied and pasted this from the club im in ..

Well on the 17th of April i wrote Desmond off :( , long story short i noticed a speed cop car so got distracted as you do , when i looked back the guy in front had slammed on the brakes due to not having enough room to get past the speed cop car so ran up his arse :( ..

Here is what Des looked like after



a day later he got taken away to get written off :(


well it took 3 months to settle with the insurance company (admiral), it wasn't there fault it was the dvla's for taking so long to put my private plate into retention ffs.

After 4 months of searching i found this, fancied a change to white :D


within 23 hours of owning it it looked like this ,notice no orange bits :D


then today it was like this , nice big wheels :D




its getting there :D

just for reference here is what Desmond looked liked in his glory, every time i see that pic i think to myself why did i get a white celica lol


Hope you like guys :D


PS: yeah as usual im drunk lmao
Thought I'd bump this way up for some updates. :fun:

A few pages back I posted my car when I first bought it... here it is 5 years later!



haha, im 25, check my non chav ride -

when i got it :


during rebuild, i did pretty much everything. interior, paint, engine, multiple clutches and gearboxes, new roof :




now, back in its original '60's colour :



1967 triumph spitfire mk3. going to respray it again next year, and fit an overdrive gearbox in the next 2 weeks. i love me some overdrive.
I'm not in to all this boy-rude chav-up huge alloy silly sticker crap :p (no offence to those who are lol)

Not many 23 year old males can say that!

Hope you like :good:

He says with his fog lights on... :rolleyes:

How about a 24 year old with an Avensis? :blush:

C-Max now though. :(
They are not fog lights... It's a CAMERA TRICKKKKKKKKK... ahaha :p.

I can picture your C-Max now mint, slammed, 18s, phat halfords chrom cherry bomb... LOL :rofl: :good:
They are not fog lights... It's a CAMERA TRICKKKKKKKKK... ahaha :p.

I can picture your C-Max now mint, slammed, 18s, phat halfords chrom cherry bomb... LOL :rofl: :good:

I would love the styling pack, but wouldn't love going for 2 new front tyres for them at £100 a pop!

And they sure look like fog lights to me... :lol:

Goldfzzin, your golf was beautiful! Although i never understood the boot smoothing then putting the number plate in the rear window or to one side at the bottom of the bumper. :lol:
my other half works for someone very big and we get to bring his cars to him wherever he is when he feels like driving on or other of them. i wish i could post them all but i'll be in trouble. this is my favourite of all, i think is a 1974.


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