Show Me Your Car!

People are morons... I had my poor car broken into as well. They smashed the driver side window - needless to say I had to ride home in the rain with glass everywhere for an hour :(

Anyway, everyone meet Vic. Vic just had a bath ;) Look at his nice shiny shoes :D


Vic and Tegra (my husband's baby)

Here's my new beasty: (sorry about crappy camera phone pic - must get some photos once I polish it)

It's a Toyota MR2 turbo. (insurance Group 20 for those in the UK... :crazy: )

Hey Dave, is yours tubby, or NA?


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Well, since I can't drive.........
this was taken last winter when my brother got in an accedent.
It was snowing, Icey and dark.
He came through an intersection and someone didn't stop...He got hit at 65mph.
The docters said he should've been dead, and the car should've been completely demolished!
Oh, did I mention he got hit by a Ford Super Duty?


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It's alright.

Doesn't handle as nice as my Rover turbo did above 120mph, that thing was glued to the road. But now I have no torque steer and pop up lights...

Yours is looking good.
This is a google image of my car :D Looks exactly the same apart from teh alloys. I do love the shineyness of them, never clean it but always looks to people like i take very good care of my car!!! Hehe

i just bought me a vw polo, i love it.. going to pick it up today.. i'm SOSOSOSOSOSOOOOOO excited :hyper: but i still need to pass my test.. good luck to me for next friday! :D if this thread is still running maybe i will get some pics up!! :)

to those of you whose cars were vandalised, i'm so sorry, it really sucks. but i am a firm believer in karma, and therefore i believe that it will come back to them ten fold.. so console yourself with that thought. some people really should just be put down!! :D :lol:

kat :D
After a wax



And of course..the next day

My car and some of her best buddies
not posted a piccy of mine for a while.....

Here she is... chipped and tuned :) approx 200bhp & 0-60 low 6s :)

Ahh so many asian cars, I hate them so much. As for me I drive a 99' green chevy cavalier. I dont like it, Im a truck guy myself, plan on getting on buying a truck when Im 18.
Ahh so many asian cars, I hate them so much. As for me I drive a 99' green chevy cavalier. I dont like it, Im a truck guy myself, plan on getting on buying a truck when Im 18.
You only hate them cos they are cheaper, can go rounds corners (unlike American cars), can accelerate faster, are more economical, and are more reliable then most European or American cars. :nod:
This is not my actual car (will get some pics as soon as I can wash it) but is the same as mine. I got it as a graduation present when I graduated from high school in 1970 (yes, I know that tells you how REALLY old I am). It got in pretty bad shape at one time (rust around wheel wells and windows along with interior torn) but when my son got his license in 1994, we restored it. It has about 120,000 miles. Can't drive it much any more since it gets about 10 mpg and burns premium gas (would need a second job with gas at $3.00 a gallon). In it's days, it would fly with a 350 ci/325 hp motor.

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