Oh man, thats LAME that your tank has to go like this Dan. Its really a gorgeous clean setup and I LVOE all that coraline growth
We bought a new bathroom suite last week and are having it fitted next weekend, sadly i forgot that it doesn't have a bath it has a double shower instead wacko.gif
Which means i cant mix my RO sneaky2.gif I don't trust the unit to do it in the sink or downstairs and i don't want to make weekly trips to the LFS to lug up gallons of mixed RO, sadly it means i've gotta sell my tank (Damn things change by the day don't they wacko.gif)
I'm confused....
Surely this means you need to sell your bathroom suite!
Oh man, thats LAME that your tank has to go like this Dan. Its really a gorgeous clean setup and I LVOE all that coraline growth