Thanks for the ID'ing Aqua, BTW loving your new siggy. Probably my favourite marine fish (Of the ones i know anyway

Okay everyone time for an update with lots of outside the box of water action
I have been looking seriously into upgrading my nano to a 28g (Just another 30cm extra length on the current tank) and then putting this 16 as a sump/refuge. The idea on this is creating a home for lots of pods, which will inturn be used as a food for a mandarin goby.
Okay, so basically this will give me a total water capacity of somewhere around 38g (Considering water overflow space from sump) I will have about 34lbs of LR in the display tank and at the back a hidden rubble pile as refuge for pods that are blown into the tank from the sump return.
There will be lots of rubble and macro for cover for the pods in the refuge and they will be sent back upto the tank via the pump. 10% of the pods will die from the impellors but they can inturn be eaten by my clown and whatever other fish swim out openly. I will buy around 1500 (3 bottles) of tigger pods from online to start off along with the other pods in my tank. Give them 6months to multiply even more.
Then it's simply looking for a healthy mandarin and letting him eat all day on pods. I can top up my pod supply every few months with a bottle of pods although i think there will probably be enough to sustain him out of the refuge. I know lots of people will be against this idea but there are lots of success stories of people keeping this fish in nano's with monthly pod top ups and refuge's.
I've been discussing this with a respected member of the forum (No names) and they think that i have a chance of pulling this off. Of course if things seem to be going bad then i will take him back to the LFS and hope he ends up in a 125 gallon tank with lots of LR. This may not even happen as you'll find out if you read on.....
Wednesday we are picking up the laminate flooring for the dining room. Hopefully one of my mum's mates will be able to fit that down for us as he's good with this kind of stuff. Should have it down anytime inside the next 2weeks if he can do it and when. That means that the room is fully complete and i can move the nano downstairs.
The new plan is that we are going to finish decorating this house so it's up-to-date and then move out and into a new house. It will probably take about 1 year to get this house fully done up with a kitchen and so on.
Of course moving the nano again is going to be a nightmare especially if i will have corals and it will be to a different house let alone down the stairs
The good news is that new houses have outside taps. This means that i can set up the the RO Unit with the more reliable fittings and not have to worry about leaking. The bad news is that new houses are built with water meters meaning that it would cost too much to make my own RO water even on such a small tank.
The only substitute i can think of is going to the LFS and buying their RO water

At 45p a gallon it's not too bad but in the long run it would kill me when,i know i have the stuff to make my own water except i have a water meter. Grrrrrr
This woud mean i'd probably have to downsize the size of my tank to a 10g to be able to buy LFS water consistantly
That would wipe any change of the 28 out of view and also any other tank upgrade in 2year + future.
I'm not 100% sure the house would have a water meter although i'd say it's high 90's that it will. No way would i be allowed to change it back to a quarterly rate and diffently not making water on the meter.
If this is the case, i will probably take my nano down and sell off all LR & livestock but keep the current equipment for my future 10g. 96w on a 10g. I'd be luvin it
I don't want to lose this clown though as he has such a personality it's unreal :wow:
Sadly my Coral Beauty has died (Kind of p***e off at my mate for buying this fish for my tank now *sigh*)
When trying to get him out of my tank and in to the QT i knocked down most of my rocks and i can't put them back properly

I will leave them as is for now as they are higher up and it lets me get more surface agitation
Lovely fish died, i just wished i had of acted faster into getting him in QT and medicating
Any thoughts on all of this?