Setting Up The 29g. Totally Psyched I Have Saltwater In My Living Room

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It is DE and shielded :)

In that case, maybe I'll look for this?

Happy Reefing 250W 20000K DE 1

b/c I want a 20k

ummm now having a problem looking for that bulb...
ok went out on a limb and did something scary that I hope I will not regret.

I bought a Potter's Angel off of Diver's Den. Multiple places said 30 usg is fine. So here I go...I would not have purchased the Potter's if it wasn't in Diver's Den. Since DD gets their fish eating and treats them for anything they might come in with. So any advice for my new fish.

This is it. A 3 1/4" specimen.

I ahd one on my wish list, scott advised against it as apparently they dont have a very long life span in captivity and a pretty much guarenteed to eat some form of coral eventually.
Sorry if this puts a bit of a downer on it. Stunning fish though
I know it's a fragile species that is hardy once it is established and eating well and am ok w/it eating the corals that I already have. I've read about this fish a bit. Just like to hear directly from the keepers also and not all book text.
well thats just what scott told me form his experience. But i think hes the only one on here thats kept one. Dont see many of these over in the UK. I reckon its LPS and clam mantles they bother the most though. So softies and SPS may escape. Regular smaller feeding may stop it from becoming tempted too
I intend on keeping some nori in the tank also. Should help w/grazing. I've read of many accounts of it "my fish ate this and not that" and others that said theirs "haven't touched anything". I'll just wait and see, I guess.
yeah fraid alot of same species fish have very different tastes. some will eat your corals, some won't. its a risk, but when a fish looks that good, its almost a risk worth taking imo!
Couldn't get a good pic since i elected to turn off the flash since the poor fishy has been in darkness for a day.


Here's a crappy video. Will do better when the fish has settled :)

Thanks :) Now I hope I can keep her alive... but I wouldn't have bought her if she wasn't from DD. I love the DD system...QT, treat for disease, get them eating etc.

Came home w/another fish today :shifty: Photos to come.
The cute lil angel is now in the DT. She's eating frozen marine cuisine. Doing well so far. Is swimming around the rocks and is pecking at the rock and the sand. Looking good YAY!!


Now here is my new fish!!!




Poor thing cruised around the glass FOREVER. Couldn't find the sand container...well found it, but wasn't swimming up high enough to actually get IN it.

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