I wasnt in a cannabis house I swear, it was a tv program I watched...promise.
All high powered light systems are used in grow houses, for ALL growable plants. You have to remember cannabis is nothing but a plant, and it requires the same things as other plants. So hydroponic grow houses growing lettuce would probably use the same light as hydroponic grow houses for cannabis.
This is related to reef aquariums though. Countries are cracking down on high powered grow lights (T5HO, Halide, Sodium Vapor, LED). Australia keeps an eye on everyone buying high powered lights. And closer to home in America, cops do have the right to search your house if they feel you are a suspect in growing cannabis, and by seeing a high powered light shining out of your window is good enough for them to get a search warrant.
<a href="http
/stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/544/so...ana_grow_lights" target="_blank">http
^^^^ article: A little bit of guilty before proven innocent, its not America but it's still serious
Someone in my LRC has a few tanks all in one room, with i think 4 halides (2 250s and 2 150s I think), there was a window to the room, and at night the light would shine out. It was a small house, but it racked a very large electricity bill. Cops got suspicious, I dont remember if they issued a warrant but they did have a talk with the house owner.
Same thing happened with someone who had the smell of chemicals from her reef room, except that time they were looking for a meth lab, only to find a 54 year old woman and a fish tank. She sued.
<a href="http
/www.kare11.com/news/news_article.aspx?storyid=509182" target="_blank">http
Unrelated to fish tanks, many times cops have issued wrong warrants or got to suspicous of innocent people, and those innocent people die during "drug raids." I dont find it a laughing matter so please do be careful with reef lighting.
<a href="http
/www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...ST2008080103916" target="_blank">http
The world is too paranoid IMO
Oh yeah, these links are for its articles, not for the other things you may find on it.