I see what you are saying but it is a really beautiful tank all in all, lovely scaping, shapes and colours. L. Aromatica is a stunning plant, I had the same issues with the bottom leaves getting spotty but it sprouts readily when its chopped.
Yeh I do find it easier to read if its out of the water. The sags are sagittaria natas (dwarf sagittaria) from greenline, the trick is stopping them growing too dam fast!!
I see what you are saying about the back right, not sure if it would spoil the triangle look of the tank though.
Cheers Fred I do get plagued by GSA which I have to clean off fairly regularly. I've upped to 5ppm PO4 3x a week but I think it may also be due to low flow. Its not on the top leaves fortunately though so its not really visible. Get the odd bit of BBA but excel sorts that. Recent unstable CO2 caused the current bout.
I see what you are saying about the back right, not sure if it would spoil the triangle look of the tank though. Will have a think
Thanks again