Sam's Now To Be High Light And Tech 20g

I see what you are saying but it is a really beautiful tank all in all, lovely scaping, shapes and colours. L. Aromatica is a stunning plant, I had the same issues with the bottom leaves getting spotty but it sprouts readily when its chopped.
Have you thought about pigmy val? Mine stays short and is really working out well. I think it might be a good choice for your scape. It has a similar look to that... just smaller.
I kind of like it better less bushy... That beautiful wood is starting to disappear.
This is nice... just not the "grassy" look you had before.
There is a guy on AB that sells the pigmy val.That is where I got mine. It was super healthy! Can you get stuff from there? If you can and want the name let me know... He even threw in extra. :good:
I see you have the ball pat of your drop checker above the water line, do you find it easier to read this way? Also what is the name of the sag carpet?
Yeh I do find it easier to read if its out of the water. The sags are sagittaria natas (dwarf sagittaria) from greenline, the trick is stopping them growing too dam fast!!

Yeah runners, lots of 'em!!! Million in fact!!!! If you check back there is a post from end of March, check it against the most recent photos, the sags a multiplied somewhat!!!

Just a quick update, nothing much to add. Only that I removed the L.repens, as it really wasn’t doing so well under the H.poly. This the scape is looking OK, esp now the balansea is that bit taller. Really should chage the Sags for some ET!

Pics :)





Looking great mate. No algae :hyper:
Personally I think it does need some sort of plant in the back right had corner, right below the filter intake :)
Cheers Fred :) I do get plagued by GSA which I have to clean off fairly regularly. I've upped to 5ppm PO4 3x a week but I think it may also be due to low flow. Its not on the top leaves fortunately though so its not really visible. Get the odd bit of BBA but excel sorts that. Recent unstable CO2 caused the current bout.

I see what you are saying about the back right, not sure if it would spoil the triangle look of the tank though. Will have a think :)

Thanks again :)

I see what you are saying about the back right, not sure if it would spoil the triangle look of the tank though.

Ah yes, I see what you mean now.
It sure is your best work IMO. Love the crypt emerging from the stems.
Thought about some sort of back lighting? Bent white card with a single t8 tube?
There a reloads of crypts in there, but go the wrong sort so they are getting swamped a bit by the sags. Hopefully planning to swap the sags for somethings else, not sure what yet though, something less monstrous though!! p

Funny you should mention back lighting, there have been some discussions over on Ukaps re backgrounds, will have to have a play and see what looks best.

Cheers Fred :) I do get plagued by GSA which I have to clean off fairly regularly. I've upped to 5ppm PO4 3x a week but I think it may also be due to low flow. Its not on the top leaves fortunately though so its not really visible. Get the odd bit of BBA but excel sorts that. Recent unstable CO2 caused the current bout.

I see what you are saying about the back right, not sure if it would spoil the triangle look of the tank though. Will have a think :)

Thanks again :)


I wouldn't put anything there. When you take final photos, see if you can add a background and remove the hardware, which looks quite imposing. How many power cords are back there? :hyper:

Lovely tank. I'm coming over to steal that wood. :shifty: Once I pay my student loans, my credit card debt, get a descent job...Ok, looks like I'm not coming to steal the wood after all.

llj :good:
Haha thanks Llj :)

I have four t8 laps and the heater, so five cords at one end!! Crazy I know, but it does the job. Using a luminary on the new 4ft so only one cable, that'll be a nice change!!

Hands off my wood ;)


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