Same Tank New Rock Formation

that stinks, sorry about your loss. did your rock stack settle at all?
checked the rock work seems fine can still see the hole under the rock it used to go under :/
only other thing can think of is day before did water change and changed rowa phos and polyfilter media in externel filter when started back up had small bubbles coming out of return for a little while until it settled down i wonder if this could have some bearing on it heared that air bubbles can get in the blood stream and cause death saying that the clown fish are fine and he seemed fine to :unsure: :unsure:

what amazes me though is how quick they are eaten
Yeah, it is pretty amazing how fast a dead fish will dissappear. Last thought, Is your tank covered and did you check any filter areas since the fish might have jumped? If its not covered make sure to check for carpet surfing :/
thanks for your replies and suggestions ski most helpful as usual mate i have a hood fitted on the tank and have checked the floor etc just incase think maybe just one of them things or like said could be my friend the hairy crab

hey maiden fan are you using the stock aqua one light fixtures its just i have the 500 and it has 2x11 watt pl lamps (and on the box it says they are power compact) and the guy in my lfs said that that would be fine for softies and one or two lps. so basicly is my lighting definately okay, do you use the stock lighting anddd shoul;d i change my bulbs to marine spectrum?

sorry to hijak a bit its just when i start my own posts no one pays attention :p

(o and nice tank :D )
hey guys
the crab is about 20mm across at the moment and i'm almost 100% sure he's carnivore not herbivore :grr:

hey rhys no prob in hijacking my thread anyone who wants to post on my thread is most welcome :nod:

as far as the lights go i have at present the standard fitted t5 compacts in the hood they are 18w red and white but aqua one have just brought out a range of replacement tubes in blue and white which i will be changing to very soon can't wait :hyper: :hyper: then i can i have been told stock some soft corals such as them on my wish list stated before on the thread :drool: :drool:

so to answer your question i would try and change the tubes to the marine spectrum :nod:
oki kokey thanks alot. i love this site so much better than others not naming any *cough cough nano reef . com because you get friendly answers.
well i've done it i caught my crab had to get the rock out he was in so meant dismantling my aquascape then believe or not i when i got the rock out all i did was give the rock a shake and out he fell couldnt believe my luck anyway he's now in his own little tank at the LFS :D :D

anyway just finished putting all my rock back so hope that will be the end of my fish losses :unsure:
hi all
been to LFS today and purchased my first 2 pieces of coral both mushroom put them in the tank all seems fine i did forget to ask for their requirements as far as water flow don't want to blast them in direct flow of my powerheads if they don't require this but i am aware they need a certain amount of water flow over them any suggestions most welcome :nod:


Nice ricordea! Usually mushrooms do just fine under almoast anything but 0 flow :)
your tank is very nice love it. also those shrooms are ace. Is there any diferences between anemone mushrooms and ricoridea (i think it spelt wrong but you know what i mean) in terms of ease, price, needs?
hi rhys
as for the difference in ricordea and anemone mushrooms i think they both very similar in cost and ease mine cost me £18 each they are doing fine up to yet in fact one of them the mushrooms have gone massive

yesterday got my new tubes for the lights now have the blue and white fitted looks a lot different

anyway here's pic of mushroom today compare with one from the other day
there you go looks much better. i need to track down some 11 watt 50/50 pc tubes made by aqaua one. or do you know if it has to be the same brand as the starter?
thanks for that rhys :D

if you like i can pm you with the phone number of aqua one main dealer here in the uk not sure where you are though, then you can ring them give them the type of tank and what lighting unit you have they will tell you what tubes you can get and where your nearest aqua one dealer is

hope this helps mate

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