Sal Goes Rio With A Bit Of Vision

Well, the intention is to get more plants. More plants I hear you say? It's for other tanks though, want to rearrange the dwarf puffer tank and the sorority tank that's not a sorority anymore (all dead bar one...). So, if they grow well, you are welcome to have a few stems again.
easycarb is fine with shrimp, used it myself on my nano for months, then stopped using it and found the stuff grows just as well without it :D
How overpriced is MA? Didn't really blow me away. And plants were rubbish. So I almost walked out empty handed. Almost. Then I spotted some beautiful blue zebras, so three slipped into the bag for my malawi tank :lol:
I find my local MA to be very reasonably priced compared to everything else i have nearby, it's my shop of choice! I get great service and (touch wood) haven't had any sick fish from there yet!
Your plants are going nutso Salam! Well done!
I suppose credit to them, I saw no dead fish and the guy was very helpful. But places much closer to me are much better priced. I didn't get any otos because they were £3.50 each and I know I can get healthy ones for £2.50 or if I buy 'bulk' only £2.00. I know it's just pennies, but it all adds up. My malawis had a fair price though and they seem to like their new tank already.

Thanks re plants. Now I just have to tackle the algae. Easycarbo started today.
I want to do a bit of a change on Oomigoomi tank before my vivipara arrives tomorrow. I'm not happy with the gravel, it doesn't look right. I found something I really love, but can't find you the picture on the tinterweb. It's basically Pets at Home's greyish very fine gravel, well actually sand. It's like this one but grey colour. I have the one linked in two other tanks, and love it, so I want to do the same with Oomigoomi, but stick to the black/grey colour scheme.

Anyway, they only have this one in 2kg bags, have asked yesterday and no local stores have it in bigger bags. As they are a bit more expensive I'm thinking of adding compost as a base, especially to create a hill at the back. Does that sound ok? I'm thinking of saving a bit of money and at the same time, giving my plants a bit of a boost. Could someone please confirm that it will be ok?
New sand is just washing and the man is picking up aquatic compost at B&Q as we forgot while out.

Stupid question - do I need to wash the compost too or can it just go in?

It's going to be fun trying to catch the kuhlis in a bit... :rolleyes: At least it's a smaller tank this time, let's hope it won't take too long.
Great, so I can get straight started when he is back. Well, after catching the fish...

BTW, one of my malawis is already preggers :yahoo: It's so weird how she is stirring the eggs in her mouth.
Ohh, I'll want to know how it goes with compost. I've been annoyed at my inert sand.
Free Pictus food then. :rolleyes:

Nah, she will be caught tomorrow and goes into her own breeder tank. £££ for selling the fry.

Ohh, I'll want to know how it goes with compost. I've been annoyed at my inert sand.

It's £%^**^%$£ [insert explicit swear words!!!]. Put the compost in, banked it up. Put my top layer of sand and once the water went in, even being very careful it all mixed together and smudged it up. It's all out now, had a screaming fit, lost lots of money because we can't separate it anymore. Going to put the fish back now without any substrate, I can't keep them much longer in a 48l tank, they are not happy there. So $%^&*$ off, waste of money and time. He is just on the phone to order more bags as they don't have any left, but have to wait until at least Thursday. Until then the fish have to wait. They should be safe, at least they got their tank and cycled filter.

Right, screaming and ranting fit over. Chippie tonight. I blimming need it.

And to top it all off, the child is still awake! GO TO SLEEP!!!!!

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