Yes, will try that Stu. It's washing in a bucket at the moment and most of it is gone, but there are so many rocks between the fine sand now. Will try and sieve it later, but need to finish refilling the tank first (almost done), transfer the fish so they are safe and then we will mess around with the sand.
If you remove her then she will lose her place in the heirachy in the tank. Upon her return she may get battered by every other fish in the tank. Just be careful...
Hm, the guy I got her from always does it that way. Remove a holding female into a breeder tank, let her spit and put her back. He said he has never had any problems. Maybe re-arrange the rock when I return her so everyone needs to get new territories, but I definitely want to give it a try. Would love to see the babies grow up and then obviously sell them for some cash.
Fish are back in their tank now, it's totally bare just put a few rocks in. Don't know how to do it when I add the sand, will have to figure something out. Either get them all out again and add the sand or add it while they are in (carefully obviously). Both will cause stress to the fish. Feel so guilty now, should have decided before that I didn't like the gravel. I'm putting them through that because I wasn't happy with the looks of it. I had already one fatality, one of the female dwarf rainbows died while they were in the smaller tank. Gutted and guilty
You mean like wait until there are actually fry and not eggs in her mouth? Eeeek, I don't know how to time it all yet. I think it will still take a few weeks, as she was definitely not holding last week when I got her. Must like my tank
The guy I got her from said she'd be safer on her own as she can't eat for the next weeks. Which is actually really astounding. Feel a bit sorry for the females that have to go though that. It's always us ladies who have to suffer, eh?
Feeling like Cinderella at the moment. Trying to sieve the compost out of the sand is the most boring job ever. But I'm getting there. Just sent the man out to get more of the sand at another P@H so we can top it up (called in and they got three bags left for us), but at least it looks like we can salvage most of it and haven't wasted all the money. And I got compost for my garden. Yeah, me and gardening Got some pics for you later so you see what I'm going through. The things we do for pretty fish tanks and our fish...
My vivipara will hopefully be here today too, well that's what the lady said on the phone but haven't had an email yet, so by tomorrow there should be a big new Oomigoomi update. Am also going to try and mess more with the rocks will try and get something like this done.
I think i would just leave them to it for a few months rather than stripping them or leaving them solo in a separate tank, get the tank right and everything else you want to sort then a few months down the line when its nice and mature and we are in the winter months, when there is nothing to do in the dark evenings (unless you are a ninja like me or a stalker like minnnt) then raising some fry can be a nice time filler.
Ha ha, like your thinking. I don't know, I'm so excited she is holding already, I want to see babies. Although thinking about it, I'm on holiday in three weeks time. My luck she will spit then and I can't do anything about it anyway...
Good news is - Oomigoomi Iwagumi is taking shape! Vivipara arrived and is in. I'm getting there. Slowly, but I'm getting there. House looks like a bomb has exploded with canisters, sand, gravel, rocks, buckets and whatever lying around. But the tank is pretty, that's what counts
Yeah, will leave her for now as we will be away probably anyway. Do I actually have to feed the malawis during holiday or will the be ok too? Just worried mayhem will break lose and aggression will take over.
Oomigoomi is finished, the other tank got a pruning session. All pretty and ready for pictures tonight once I won't have any reflections from windows.