I like the idea of bloodworm or similar in the net. Could try that. FF, you sound like a real meanie when it comes to catching fish

If you ever come over, you are welcome to stay here, but as AA's Carlise, Cannock is not the best example of British culture. We are not far from Birmingham though, which I suppose isn't too bad if you like cities (I hate them, yuck! Too many people).
I'll get pics and videos up tonight (or latest tomorrow, depending if I get stuck on Draw Something for hours again

). The bacopa actually looks a bit rubbish at the moment, as there is always one that's going floatabouts and I just stick them in random places hoping not another one would come out. But roots are starting to grow, so soon it should get better.
You know, what makes me think at the moment is the fact that in theory my tank is overstocked now (the 180) according to the calculator site that shall not be named. I think it's something like 110% stocked. But it still looks so empty. And the fish all have their own space and have enough room to roam around, explore and just be happy fish. I won't add any more fish, but it really is weird how fast some small fish can overstock a tank. Well, I suppose the bristlenoses are still babies, they will obviously grow much larger and the sailfins are also babies, so maybe it will look fuller once all are grown up. I have done all the calculations with adult fish, so at the moment still understocked.
I have also been naughty and upped my shoal of tetras today. I know I should have waited, but stats have stayed 0 in the tank at all times and I test daily. I asked for 10, got 12 so now I have 20 in total and boy they look good together! I wasn't too sure, but they really make an impact. I could imagine a real Iwagumi with 50 tetras in there, but well, my Oomigoomi stocking with tetras and other random pretty fish is working just as well

Am also thinking about adding a nice big gourami at some point later. My dwarf gouramis are boring now, far too small and don't make an impact. They are nice to watch, and they are a proper couple constantly touching each other with their feeler fins, but they are just too small to get properly noticed with the two shoaling fishes around them.
Gosh, I have rambled! Anything to get away from housework, ah well