Wish granted, but then the amount of unused gas builds up slowly and blows up when a foreign worker drops his lit cigarette, causing major disruption worldwide.
Wish granted, but your ability becomes faulty and you become crazy and you run out in front of a train to die, and your ability replays your death in slow motion back and forth, throughout eternity.
I wish the State of Illinois didn't make us take PSAE's (Prairie State Achievement Exams)
wish granted,not knowing where to send the money, they invest it to get everyone a gatling gun for defense, people go crazy and the stat of illinois is self exterminated.
i wish that i was the luckiest person in the world
Wish granted, but then everyone in the world becomes unlucky, thus making your barely ever lucky, and a piano palls from a sky and smash your body against the pavement and your slowly bleed to death.
I wish my pizza that I just put in the oven would be ready soon, so I may eat it.
Wish granted, the pizza is ready in about 5 minutes. Unfortunately, the small thermo-nulear device in your neighbor's house miss-fires due to the rip in the pizza-time continuum, incinerating your entire state.
wish granted, but for some wierd reason the herit is inside the instrument and you play it and it launches straight into your mout and you choke and die, the hermit goes on to nibble on you when your dead.
Wish granted, but your mind took a memory of the most horrific sight to ever exist, and it made the picture your mental screen saver, so you kill yourself.
I wish that farm ville was not a time consuming game.
wish granted but farmville gets so tedious you stop playing and so does everyone else, the company has saved up enough money to destroy the world as payback for not sharing your eggs with everyone!!
i wish i had subject delta's suit and armor and i could do whatever i wanted with no consequences at all.
The funny thing is, no consequences has consequences. You become so enthralled with power that you become ignorant of your morality, and your are killed by an ice pick.
I wish that I had more time to sleep right about now.