Roma 200, My First Journal

Well hope its ok because ive brought these..



What do you think?

So its been a month and a half since i got the tank. Ive had no fish loses and so far all my plants are growing. My java ferns have been going nuts growing new plants of the leaves on every single plant so ive had to take all them off. Ive just done a water change and as i type this my barbs and lemon tetras are laying eggs. So they must be happy. I put a few posts in the barb section because i put 2 females and a male cherry in my spare tank and they laid eggs, but i have no fry. I think my male is too young. Anyway today i got my new small bits of wood so i had a little change about with the tank. Now its finished im not sure i like it lol. Proberly because i still need more plants.

Heres a pic of it anyway.


So from the last update ive added some vallis and some frogbit. My sword and my stem plants have been growing. Still need my sword to grow bigger but its getting there. I split up all my crypts and moved them around the tank. The roots were going halfway across the tank lol so looks like my substrate is doing the job! Wanted to pull my sword out and see the roots on that but seeings as its growing i thought i would leave it alone. Now ive done it i prefer how the crypts used to be, but im waiting on some more so i think it will look better when there in there. Ive added my new bits of wood. Not 100% on them anymore, im thinking about getting a small little nano tank with some shrimp so it may end up in that tank. Also waiting on some crypt balansae which will go at the back of the left side which im hoping will make the tank alot better.

Want it to look a little like this...


Still doesnt look amazing and no where near some of you guys tanks :eek: but im getting there slowly :)
is marsh root ok to use i was going to put seen some bad reviews on it???
looks gd tho i really do like it was goin to get some my self
Definitely starting to get in shape mate

Couple things I would say if you don't mind, the background isn't the best, its taking away from it a little bit and also the wood that you've placed on the bottom left, looks good for now but once you put some plants where you plan to it might get lost. What about using them pieces to add to the couple bits on the right so it looks like its got more branches :good:
Hope the wood is ok lol. I put a few posts about it but noone seemed to reply and i couldnt find any bad info about it. Only time will tell i guess.

Yeah the background sucks its only on there while im waiting for my other plants to come. I tried puttin the wood on the right hand side with the rest of the wood but i couldnt get it a way i liked. I fink i need some bigish rocks maybe to help? or i just need to try again. When my plants come i think im going to drain it half way and replant it all again. I wouldnt mind a carpet kind of plant but read there hard to keep alive so im thinking i might try make it out off moss.

Cheers for the ideas though :good:

So ive had my tank two months today. Has gone so quick and the tanks changed quite abit. Heres a pic of the tank now...


My vallis has just started growing. Taken a long time but glad ive keept with it. Hopefully it will start to grow across the tank.

My Stem plants grew to the top of the tank so i cut them in half and planted them infront of the others. So hopefully there grow up to the top of the tank again soon. Have a few of my stem plants floating on top because they were in my breeding tank so my next water change i will plant them.

The sowrd is growing still. I have two other swords in there that are small waiting for them to grow. Not happy where there placed but ill move them when there bigger.

My anubais is growing well a new leaf every week at least. My fav plant i think.

My crypts are going nuts. Ive got them like a carpet all across the front. I think it looks good. There is so much new bright green leafs on them.

My xmas moss was growing really well but then has started to die off a little now not sure why. Will have to keep a eye on it.

My amazon frogbit is growing i only have 5 bits of it. But every time i get a new leaf on in an old one dies its not doing too great not sure why.

What do you guys think of the tank :)
Looking good! You definately need a black background though.

I think more or bigger wood would make the world of difference too.
You are headed in the right direction. Anubias plants are my favorite too. I agree with Minnnt, I think so more wood would do the trick. The crypts look great!
You guys think black background? Hmmm i like having no background easier to clean class but since ive got my algae under control i dont really need to clean the glass as often. I might give that a go.

Yeah my barbs were a dull red colour but then i breed them and there colour has become so much brighter. I fed the fry to the fish in the end i dont have enough time to do
it properly.

Yeah i want a bigger bit of wood to make it look better but its hard finding the right bit.
Its been over a month since my last update, so thought i would upload a few pics if anyones interested :) been on holiday for a while so had my girlfriend looking after the tank. No deaths thank god. Think she may of been using to much ferts because my plants grown quite abut while i was away. Stem plants have reached to the top of the tank again so need to trim them again. Vallis is looking much healthier just need them to thicken up a bit more. My sword has grown huge. Most leaves have got to the top of the tank and is the best growing plant in the tank. I do have two other swords in there not been in there as long but havent had much growth atall. Not sure if there just taking a while to settle in but wish they would hurry up i think 3 big sowrds along the back would look good. My anubias is doing well still growing a new leaf every week got a bit of algea on it though so i need to sort that out. My mosses are doing very well growing out of control i neeed to trim them there looking a bit wild lol Crypts at the front are still doing very well i want a few more to cover the hole tank. My crypt balanease are growing very slowly. They been in there a while now was hoping they would grow as quick as my other crypts. Hopefully there reach the top of the tank soon though. Heres a few pics anyway.


Anubias and wood has a bit of algea on which i need to sort out

Pic of the swords that are still small and need to hurry up and grow

Pic of the crypt balanease

I still need to find a bigger bit of wood. I wouldnt mind some more anubias when i do have more wood. Also still need to look into getting a black background. And i want a floating plant like water lettuce or maybe duck weed and amazon frogbit wont grow in my tank for some reason.
Looking good mate. I would cram the tank with Crypts to fill in the gaps.

Spot treating with liquid carbon will cure the algae, as would warm-hot water. :good:
Going to clean the tank out tomoz so hopefully get rid of the algae. Im thinking of getting rid of all my java ferns. My ferns seem to produce new plants from the leaves then the old ones slowly die off. They develop brown patches all over them. Am i missing something in my ferts? or is this natural? They never seem to grow that tall either? all my other plants are doing well though so i dont think its anything to do with the ferts. If you need pics i will get some tomoz and upload them.

Tomoz i might try and put a black background on it aswell. Also get some duck weed i want a floating plant and that should help with the little algae problem i have.
Also I fink im nearly fully stocked. I just want one more fish like a stand out fish. Would love a catfish but thats probs not the best idea. I dont want a betta. I just want something a bit bigger then the rest of my fish. Would love to have a red tailed shark again but dont want aggression in my tank. I have had a bristle nose plec but want something more active then that. Whats the best idea to go with Bolivian rams, cherry barbs, lemon tetras, neon tetras and a platy.

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