So ive had my tank two months today. Has gone so quick and the tanks changed quite abit. Heres a pic of the tank now...
My vallis has just started growing. Taken a long time but glad ive keept with it. Hopefully it will start to grow across the tank.
My Stem plants grew to the top of the tank so i cut them in half and planted them infront of the others. So hopefully there grow up to the top of the tank again soon. Have a few of my stem plants floating on top because they were in my breeding tank so my next water change i will plant them.
The sowrd is growing still. I have two other swords in there that are small waiting for them to grow. Not happy where there placed but ill move them when there bigger.
My anubais is growing well a new leaf every week at least. My fav plant i think.
My crypts are going nuts. Ive got them like a carpet all across the front. I think it looks good. There is so much new bright green leafs on them.
My xmas moss was growing really well but then has started to die off a little now not sure why. Will have to keep a eye on it.
My amazon frogbit is growing i only have 5 bits of it. But every time i get a new leaf on in an old one dies its not doing too great not sure why.
What do you guys think of the tank