New 55 gallon journal

Stand came in this morning , i took work off so I could spend the day setting everything up

(My wife was very excited also as you can tell)

Got the stand set up , got it cycling now , have all my sponge filters for my tank in there with my HOB filter I had running on my old tank


I think we did good. Very happy with the results!
Your stand looks exactly like the stand I assembled over the weekend for my 60 gallon tank. Did you buy it from Wayfare?
Any other fish besides the johanni and zebra?
My delhezi and chocolate pleco , sadly imma sell the delhezi , i thought id try cause ive had her the longest and grown her from a lil 2” baby and it’s not the aggression it’s the fact that they steal her food , so she hasn’t eaten since I’ve gotten the new tank.
Any fighting yet?
Any fighting yet?
Nope I’m actually very surprised the 4 of the cichlids (2 red zebra , 1 golden mbuna , 1 electric blue johanni) so far have just been hanging out together. Might be because they have my delhezi to bully at the moment.
Nope I’m actually very surprised the 4 of the cichlids (2 red zebra , 1 golden mbuna , 1 electric blue johanni) so far have just been hanging out together. Might be because they have my delhezi to bully at the moment.
That’s great. Hope it keeps up. What are the sexes of the 4?
That’s great. Hope it keeps up. What are the sexes of the 4?
I’m not 100% but I think I have one male zebra and the other 3 are female. I’ve only been able to tell by all the dots on his anal fin , and the blue coloring on his top fin
I’m not 100% but I think I have one male zebra and the other 3 are female. I’ve only been able to tell by all the dots on his anal fin , and the blue coloring on his top fin
Can Johanni and Zebras breed? Hybrid offspring?

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