Rob's 3X2X2

cheers, guys.

the bright orange coral is a fungia (plate coral).
That is looking stunning Rob.

Am after a cat myself, I have decided (perhaps stupidly) that I want the purple tipped one and trying to find a reasonable priced one is proving difficult.

I still really like that fungia too. the orange one glows under those actinics.

I also worked out if I change my camera batteries before the batteries are completely dead, it saves my settings. I find this out after 3.5 yrs of owning the camera.

Keep up the good work
That is looking stunning Rob.

Am after a cat myself, I have decided (perhaps stupidly) that I want the purple tipped one and trying to find a reasonable priced one is proving difficult.

I still really like that fungia too. the orange one glows under those actinics.

I also worked out if I change my camera batteries before the batteries are completely dead, it saves my settings. I find this out after 3.5 yrs of owning the camera.

Keep up the good work

where there's a will there's a way!

they had a couple of purple tipped ones in real reefs yesterday. very purdy! same price as the pink tipped as well. (not that that was exactly cheap, but it was the right side of £100....... just)
Fishmans Frags have got some coming in in a couple of weeks (chris told me on another forum) so am waiting to see what size they are and at what price.

I could have had a 1-2" frag on Monday for £25 from Cockfields, decided to wait for a little bigger though.

I will get one, just hope its worth waiting for.
yeah have been reading lots about them. seems alot of people have trouble keeping them for any period of time. Only time will tell i guess.
Beautiful legans ..good price as well. Nice to see another off the sand bed as well. In the wild they do live in mud flats but will thrive in an elevated location.
Check ur for the cat society in the lps section...
Beautiful legans ..good price as well. Nice to see another off the sand bed as well. In the wild they do live in mud flats but will thrive in an elevated location.
Check ur for the cat society in the lps section...

yeah first thing i read mate. have just read an article (think it was on wetwebmedia) about where they naturally live, and as you say it is sand/mud flats surrounded by eel grass type of sea weed in often high nutrient conditions.
I'm currently not running my skimmer at all and although my stats are all good i'm hoping that there will be some nutrients in the water to keep the cat happy but not so much as to put off my other corals.
managed to get a nice pic of the cat under full lighting yesterday evening.
Its fully expanded now and looks bigger than when it was in the shop!

they are beautiful corals, yours looks like it could eat mine tho. They grow really quickly aswel. Try feeding it. They always eat shed loads
yeah its got 3 mouths at the moment. it fed well the first night i got it. will probably try it on some prawns at the weekend when i feed the duncans.

on the duncans, it would seem i have a fourth head just starting to grow out!!
i feed my duncans prawn too. every other day at the minute. Theres several tiny heads poking out of the bases of the bog ones :hyper: seems they just take off if you feed them often enough
every other day, wow. do you feed each head individually?

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