Rob's 3X2X2

HI Rob. Do you buy frags then sick them on your shelf you have got in your tank. Does that work well for you. The few frags I have brought I have put them on the sand & then a few days later move them to where I think they should go...

Lovely pictures as well.
Wow, lovely photos and cracking corals, in particular the fungia and the gorgeous hysterix

Seffie x


ps are you using any supplements Rob?
HI Rob. Do you buy frags then sick them on your shelf you have got in your tank. Does that work well for you. The few frags I have brought I have put them on the sand & then a few days later move them to where I think they should go...

Lovely pictures as well.

generally the frags i buy go on the sand and then to where i want them like you.
The shelf is for frags i've done from my own corals which i intend to sell on. Makes it easier to check on them, keeps them all together, and is easier to do photos of them all in one place.

Wow, lovely photos and cracking corals, in particular the fungia and the gorgeous hysterix

Seffie x


ps are you using any supplements Rob?


nope no suppliments. Although i have just started needing to add KH buffer as this was being depleted.
nope just managed to get a photo of the corals's actual colour for once.

gonna have to pull out the manual i think. The camera has sooooooo many settings hidden away within its menus.
couldn't find anything about focus points though!
Manual is a good place to start. Mine has a switch on the side that switches between 3 focus modes.

I know most of my settings after having it for 3 1/2 yrs but some I am still exploring. Unless you are using them every day, its often difficult to remember which settings are where.

I also find it very annoying that you need to reset all your custom settings after changing the batteries (and I get through them very quickly).
Manual is a good place to start. Mine has a switch on the side that switches between 3 focus modes.

I know most of my settings after having it for 3 1/2 yrs but some I am still exploring. Unless you are using them every day, its often difficult to remember which settings are where.

I also find it very annoying that you need to reset all your custom settings after changing the batteries (and I get through them very quickly).

i have to change all of my custom settings each time i turn the bloody thing on! as it doesn't remember them.
Hi all, well i had a bit of a shuffle round at the weekend as my GSP just weren't growing at all (perfectly healthy just not spreading as they should). so i've moved them. One to a moderate light high flow area and one to a moderate light low flow area. Originally they were both directly under the 400w halide in moderate flow so we'll see what happens to them now.

This shuffle round meant that i opened up a big area under the halide that had low flow.
The perfect place for a centre peice coral i thought, now what shall i have..............

well yesterday i went to real reefs nr. cheltenham to pick up a couple of peppermint shrimp and a mithrax and couldn't help but have a good long look at all the possibilities for my centre peice.
large echinophylia?, lobophyllia?, more euphyllia?, large favia? or something else.
i had a good chat with the guy in there who went through with me some interesting possibilities.

needless to say my wallet came out of there an awful lot lighter than when i went in.

i've got a few pics to show, but photobucket is down right now so i'll have to leave u in suspense i'm afraid ..............
ok so photobucket has come back to life now.

here is the new addition under natural light this morning:

and taken with the flash:

under actinics last night:

FTS under actinics:

yes its a pink tipped Cataphyllia Jardinei.
It came out nicely last night so i attempted to feed it a couple of small fish which it ate with gusto :)
this morning in the natural sun light its fully expanded and looks fantastic.

I know its a risk with my bean gobies but so far they've resisted the temptation to sit on it. And if they do.... well i guess i could then get some acropora without them getting chewed!

and yes i know most people put them on the sandbed but supposedly it should be fine on the rock work.

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