Rob's 3X2X2

First of all, apologies for the crappy pics, my camera just wil not focus on what i want it to. (any with any tips, i'd really appreciate them. FYI its a Canon PowerShot A630)

the hysterix when i got it:


the hysterix now:


and its polyps:


the montipora when i got it:


the montipora now:


that purple calcareous algae has already been fragged right back 3 times over and sold on, it just keeps going!!

the developing zoa garden:


some mother colonies of zoas:


and a FTS:

Could you tell me what that big coral is smack bang in the middle?
The fairly big one. I know they move under the water.
Its the one that is just above the large patch of brownish zoas.

YF - That looks like a Frogspawn to me - Euphyllia divisa or paradivisa (paradivisa is a branching form)

Rob, what settings are you using for the camera??

Does it have modes, I am unfamiliar with the camera itself but could probably point you in a few directions to try.
if its green all over and aove but to teh right thens they are GSP or Green Star Polyps.

if it has green tips to its tentacles then thats a super frogspawn (same as regular frogspawn except it has much bigger heads in this case teh coral only has 4 full heads at the moment)

YF - That looks like a Frogspawn to me - Euphyllia divisa or paradivisa (paradivisa is a branching form)

Rob, what settings are you using for the camera??

Does it have modes, I am unfamiliar with the camera itself but could probably point you in a few directions to try.

yeah numerous modes, i tend to not use auto everything, but customize it to get the right colour balance. Its the focus that tends to screw up.
would probably help if i had a tri pod i guess, but any hints would be good for getting the right focus.
Do you use a Macro mode and in conjunction with either Aperture priority or Shutter priority.

Now some cameras have these options missing and go into daft modes that don't teach you owt about photography at all. My mums Kodak is an example of that, it gives you museum mode, portrait, sunshine, sports etc.

If you have a super macro mode like some fujis do, I use that to give much better up close shots.

Does the camera have any different focus modes, this can impact on where the autofocus is set to focus, for example, some focus centrally and some some take an average across the shot. Ideally for coral you want centrally, which allows the blur behind and clear focus on the coral.

If you have a manual focus, try that, sometimes I can better shots of coral using manual focus, fish you have no chance, but a stationary subject in conjunction with macro or super macro does work well.

A small tripod may help but should not matter unless you are pushing the camera down with the button, it does help to rest your elbows on something to steady the arms.

Hope that helps a little
thought i'd chuck up a quick pic of the change in colour my fungia has gone through.
It started off as being purple with small green tentacles (on the right):


it now looks quite different! this was taken this evening.


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