Fish Herder
Hi all, thought it was about time for an update. (bit pic heavy i'm afraid!)
Recently i've been losing heads on alot of my frogspawns, my blue/red lobo and my catalaphyllia. its really strange as my params haven't been that far out only my alk was particularly low at around 7.
well i've been dosing mag, calc, and alc using the Tank Tests stuff (which is very good, and muzzy is a great bloke!). params are back up to what they should be. but some of the frogs are still looking rough!
however some euphyllia are doing really well, as are my acans, bubbles and blastos; all looking real healthy and adding heads and my zoas and GSP are doing fine. just can't get my head around it. did see a post from someone else in this region that they were also losing LPS for no particular reason. his reasoning was the lunar cycle? i'm doubtful of this but wonder if its some chemical in the air round here???
still don't understand why only some of my euphyllia are affected.
anyways, my banggaii are carrying a brood again
) and i've added a few other fish, a pair of gold head neon gobies [001_wub.gif] and a safron goby.
also had a bit of a rescape yesterday to add a bommie down the middle. this aids circulation through the tank bit keeps a central 'hill' for my zoas.
frags in frag tank:
recovering acan:
new blasto wellsi:
poorly euphyllia:
healthy euphyllia:
new scape (tapered bommie along the middle):
Recently i've been losing heads on alot of my frogspawns, my blue/red lobo and my catalaphyllia. its really strange as my params haven't been that far out only my alk was particularly low at around 7.
well i've been dosing mag, calc, and alc using the Tank Tests stuff (which is very good, and muzzy is a great bloke!). params are back up to what they should be. but some of the frogs are still looking rough!
however some euphyllia are doing really well, as are my acans, bubbles and blastos; all looking real healthy and adding heads and my zoas and GSP are doing fine. just can't get my head around it. did see a post from someone else in this region that they were also losing LPS for no particular reason. his reasoning was the lunar cycle? i'm doubtful of this but wonder if its some chemical in the air round here???
still don't understand why only some of my euphyllia are affected.
anyways, my banggaii are carrying a brood again
also had a bit of a rescape yesterday to add a bommie down the middle. this aids circulation through the tank bit keeps a central 'hill' for my zoas.
frags in frag tank:

recovering acan:

new blasto wellsi:


poorly euphyllia:

healthy euphyllia:

new scape (tapered bommie along the middle):