Rimless Braceless Optiwhite™ 24X18X18 Build

Looking good mate. That tank and cabinet look neat and sweet.

Good job, good job!

When do you plan to be adding LR ?

Keep us updated mate!
Cheers bud. A lot depends on when the RO unit manages to fill the tank up. If all is well and good tomorrow I hope to drill and scape my rock work and it should be added tomorrow. Plans are finally underway.

On a negative note the corals in my holding tub arent doing well. I have had to throw away my hammer frag due to brown jelly disease and now it looks like my colony isnt too good. My Cat also looks like it has developed cat coral disease and yes there is no cure :angry: :sad:

Sorry to hear that mate. Looks like your gonna have to get that tank setup pretty quick then with lighting and dose with some reef feed to see if that helps and try to salvage them.

Will be keeping an eye on this one for sure!
Ive had such a stressful day. I know I have said it before and I know ill say it again but no more tank moves/changes. All the old stock is now in the current tank and I am very happy about how it all looks. Tank is running well and most importantly the weir is silent! :hyper:

I did have one loss today though, my barred convict goby. This is down to the fact that I cant find him anywhere. I still have some live rock int he holding tub but he isnt in there and as far as I know he hasnt managed to make his way to the new tank. Bit disappointed really as he was a favourite fish of mine, so cool! Im hoping he will somehow turn up but I dont think that will happen. Stock in the new tank now consists of:

2 Clowns with BTA
Carpenters Flasher Wrasse
2 Chalk Bass
Cleaner Shrimp
Various Crabs and Snails (hermits, emerald, turbos)
Hammerhead Coral
3 Plating Mobtipora's
Cat Coral

Very happy with how it looks and pretty happy with my scape. I drilled a few holes to make 2 kind of pillars. I spent ages tring to make a scape I was happy with but it just wasnt working. I was trying to incorporate a small piece of plating but this was hard and I was getting more and more stressed. I then decided it wasnt going in, shuffled a few rocks and then pow! Two pillars standing there, it actually looked great. Then I picked up a small piece of rock and it sat perfectly inbetween the 2 make a small bridge type branch. Ill throw some pics up soon.

Now Ill just have to keep an eye on my parameters and hope that there isnt any kind of spike :crazy:

Wish me luck!

Ive had such a stressful day. I know I have said it before and I know ill say it again but no more tank moves/changes. All the old stock is now in the current tank and I am very happy about how it all looks. Tank is running well and most importantly the weir is silent! :hyper:

I did have one loss today though, my barred convict goby. This is down to the fact that I cant find him anywhere. I still have some live rock int he holding tub but he isnt in there and as far as I know he hasnt managed to make his way to the new tank. Bit disappointed really as he was a favourite fish of mine, so cool! Im hoping he will somehow turn up but I dont think that will happen. Stock in the new tank now consists of:

2 Clowns with BTA
Carpenters Flasher Wrasse
2 Chalk Bass
Cleaner Shrimp
Various Crabs and Snails (hermits, emerald, turbos)
Hammerhead Coral
3 Plating Mobtipora's
Cat Coral

Very happy with how it looks and pretty happy with my scape. I drilled a few holes to make 2 kind of pillars. I spent ages tring to make a scape I was happy with but it just wasnt working. I was trying to incorporate a small piece of plating but this was hard and I was getting more and more stressed. I then decided it wasnt going in, shuffled a few rocks and then pow! Two pillars standing there, it actually looked great. Then I picked up a small piece of rock and it sat perfectly inbetween the 2 make a small bridge type branch. Ill throw some pics up soon.

Now Ill just have to keep an eye on my parameters and hope that there isnt any kind of spike :crazy:

Wish me luck!


Sorry to hear about the goby mate. Hopefully that will be your only loss!

Any pics of the scape! FTS FTS :lol:
Cheers, all the other fish look fine, swimming about happily enough. Here are some shots.







Can you get a close up of your cat? (if you take a picture of a moggy I will post a cat poo to you)
Well the goby has turned up, the little sod. I am well happy though :kana: He must of been in a piece of rock that came out of the water for at least a minute. He must be used to it by now anyway. When I put the stock in the holding tub he wouldnt come out of his hole in the rock whatever I did so I had to transfer the rock with him in there. Little SOD! :wub:

Can you get a close up of your cat? (if you take a picture of a moggy I will post a cat poo to you)

What the hell you talking about? lol :whistle:

You want a pic of my cat coral?
Yes you cat coral lol, unless you do have a cat swimming around in you tank :crazy:
One Sec bud, ill get one up. Im sure it has the disease that they normally develope. It has been retracted for a while and has never been like its former glory for a couple of months.
Doesn't look like it to me, usually if they have the disease the mouth part of the polyp gets all bloated and the tenticals shrivel.
That pic just looks like a sad coral, try giving it a good feed (if it will take food)
Thanks for the input. IT does occasionally show the symptons you have described. I will try and give it a feed tomorrow as it is my favourite coral. It used to be very pretty. How it used to be:


Okay, Cat coral has shown signs of looking a tad better. My Mag is currently low so im in the process of bringing this up while I also keep an eye on my KH and Cal. Im pretty sure my issues of late has been down to KH swings. Here is the latest shots of the tank. Please excuse the quality or lack of quality of the pics.

Under Blues





I even managed a couple of shots of my Black Barred Convict Goby. He is normally very shy but a lovely fish :wub:






I then added sand, hence why it is slightly cloudy.



Ill throw some more shots up a some point once it has cleared. Thats all for now. I am very happy with how the tank is at the moment. I just hope that I can get on top of parameters and dose accordingly to keep them stable. Then we will look at some corals, mainly zoas, LPS and maybe, just maybe a few SPS :drool:


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