Rhysiboy's Nano Thread

oki dokey thanks for the help :) alls i need is this skimmer to stop putting out micro bubbles and i can relax and enjoy

rhysib oy

how do you stop this? my tanks just been set up and the skimmers releasing microscopic bubbles into the water.... will it cause big problems?

please explain someone.

When there's only live rock in the tank, microbubbles aren't that big of a problem. When there are fish and corals in there, they can become a problem. Over time, the bubbles can collect in the flesh of the inverts and the gills of the fish and cause embolisms... Not good. Hopefully you just have rock in there. If there are fish, corals, snails, or other soft bodied inverts, only run the skimmer to test it as you try and figure out whats wrong.
im not gonna be adding any fish, corals or cleaning crew until i have all of my live rock and ive sorted this problem out. Im hoping if i leave it then it might go away. see im in a dilema because with the skimmer you get a tihng called a bubble stop majiger (its a box filled with sponge and a fine mesh so it filters them out) but if i put that from the water outlet that in i will loose all flow rate so i cant do that at the mo because i have no money for a powerhead. so if anyone would like to give me a free powerhead or donation send it to 6 priors lane..... lol

:good: rhysiboy
okay so i managed to get some pics of the hithchikers i could see

is that a limpet? and are they good or bad? also if you look carefully there is a small shrimp like thing can anyone id?


a picture of a nice bristleworm


nother pic of limpet

oh also heres a record of my stats

dec 25 - 2:55pm
Amonia - 0.25
Ph - 7.4
Nitrite - 0ppm
Nitrate - 0 ppm
temp - 24 degrees c
salinity - 1.019

dec 27 - 3:37
Ammonia - 0ppm
Ph - 7.8
Nitrite - 0ppm
Nitrate - 0ppm
Temp - 26 degrees c
sg - 1.023 / 1.024
(added live rock on that day)

dec 29 10:10 am
Ammonia - 0.25 ppm
ph - 7.9
Nitrite - between 0ppm & 0.25 ppm
Nitrate - 0ppm
Temp - 26 degrees c
Sg - 1.023
Alk - 120 ppm

so it looks like im starting the cycle. also do my stats all look fine and if not how can i solve it?
Chemistry looks good for now. Might want to allow some evap to occur and top up with a little extra saltwater to bring your sg up to the 1.024-1.025 range. That is a bristleworm and a limpet for sure. Limpets are fine, just detritus eating scavengers. Useless fact: Limpets are one of the evolutionary oldest creatures common to our reefs ;). Lookin great so far, lots less bubbles :D. Keep the pics coming :good:
yers im seeing the bubbles reduce a fair ammount still not where i want them to be. but im really happy with the skimate im getting and the foam is brilliant and thik. but yer im not gonna be adding any fish / corals / inverts any time soon until this problem gets sorted im not one to rush tings like this and anyway i cant afford to with earning £5 a week (although im gonna earn loads of cash next week woooop)

also is my ph looking okay coz thats one thing im worrie about coz ive noticed peoples are ususaly 8.1 - 8.4. oh and on the note of SG ill raise to 1.024 and leave there so if i do get a sudden burst one day down the line im not gonna end up with a salinty of like 4 million lol although that would just like melt anything :p
New tanks often start off with a pH below 8.0 while the LR is cycling/curing. There are lots of precipitation reactions going on in your tank right now, so just sit back and wait. If it stays below 8.0 for a week then it might be time to do a tiny bit of dosing ;)
thanks you ski oh and ive discovered a worst nightmare AIPTASIA :crazy: when i poke these thign (about 3 of them scatterd around the rock) they retract quikly what should i do? also have no money to buy anything form LFS so anything that i may have around the home that could kill them? i have some natural strength lemon juice would that work? oh and i cant inject it into the aip so can i squirt over it and hooope it takes it in?
looking good rhys i would say the little shrimp thing is a copod and as ski says don't worry to much about the ph yet i have to buffer it up slightly mine rarely goes above 8.2 and can be as low as 7.9 remember to test your water at the same time of the day if you can now is the time to be patient and let things take their course and keep watching out for hitchikers B) B)

the aptasia don't panic i would add a peppermint shrimp when you add your clean up crew worked for me don't try manually removing them or you could end up spreading them joe's juice or kalkwasser can work never heard of sqirting lemon juice at them so not sure
okay ill just leave em until i can add CUC also would be nice to have a pepermiont as i love em. was watching some in my lfs for ages and they were chasing each other :good:

Hi just staring at my tank and thought id do and update so for starters

my stats :
Ammonia - 0 ppm
Ph - 8.0
Nitrite - 0 ppm
Nitrate - 0ppm
temp - 27 'c
SG - 1.024

so from what ive heard my tank has cycled and monday i hit the two week mark .atm there has been huge growth in pods and on every surface there must be at least 100 of em and ive got diatom growth. now to get somee cash to buy my CUC .... and more rock .....and a PH :shifty:

heres some pics
a pic of first set up

And it now

some other nice ones





Looking good, i havent see it since before christmas, it looks really nice!!!! I cant wait so see how it grows
thanks you now alls i want is another 5 kg to fill up the space and then after that my clean up crew :D

just need to find £200 on the ground now :look:
popped into maidenhead today and had £60 in my pocket so i thought il buy my water, salt and 4kg of live rock and i managed to get 4 real nice peices and 1 turbo snail :D

pics pics pics pics:








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