Rescue operation-poor little Puffer. (Cookie)

Day five and he's still going strong. He's now up and about and spending less time sitting on the sand.

He is intently interested in everything going on outside of his tank and tries to bite anything that goes in the water (like the electronic thermometer sensor), just in case it's edible.

He has already learned that the approach of the bright yellow 'defrosting jug' means imminent food and gets very excited when he sees it.

His skin has filled out si it no longer looks saggy and has a shine to it now.

He's still painfully thin, but now has a slight bump where his belly is.

His bite-wounds seem to be healing fast and the ick has vanished.

I'll post photos just as soon as he looks noticably different. His current improvements don't show up well on camera.
Sir an Lady, I bow before you for this rescue crusade!! Dunno why, but I really feel for this guy, and I've never aven seen him before!! If he turns out anywhere near as stunning as Martha, then you've got another beauty on your hands. I really don't know if I'd have it in me to have 2 big tanks dedicated to 2 fish though!!
So happy that little Cookies is doing good!
Really sounds like the little guy is going to make it, with your guys' care and love!
Good luck! :clap:
Got a couple of photos of cookie when he came to the front of the tank to beg for more food. As you can see, he's looking a lot less forlorn now.



And here's a new picture of that fat Martha Fahaka for comparison.

Remember, Martha & Cookie were the same size four months ago!
Wow, Cookie's looking so much better! I can see he's beginning to look a little feisty (like Martha)!! You guys are doing a fantastic job!! Yay for Cookie!

looks much better :nod:

well done you guys :nod: :thumbs:
So glad that Cookie is doing well, Karl says, have you reained Cookie how to sulk yet like Gomez does!! Then again, i did drop a clam into his tank this morning which got caught in the current and landed on his head!!

The first few days were critical for Cookie but the fact that he survuved them is a good sign and he looks much happier though sickeningly thin. Only time can cure that one obviously.
Hats off to you and Lady for your dedication.
Clare and Karl
Wowsers! That little guy sure is pulling through! It's amazing what a little love can do :wub: You guys are so awesome! He's so cute, makes me want to get one :) Hip hip hooray for Cookie!
Puffer_freak said:
God, I feel so much happier now!

you have put my mind to rest about poor little Cookie!

So where ya gonna put him?
Damn good question.
The day we got him we went and spent £160 on a brand new tank and all the trimmings for him, filled it with substrate from the mature dragon puffer tank, water taken from one of the community tanks & Martha's tank and filled the new filter with filthy media from the other tanks, resulting in an instantly cycled tank!

This is only 20 gallons, but will be fine for one to two months by which time we will have either bought another huge tank or found him a permanant home with someone else.

All assuming he makes it, of course.
I just found this, and I am so happy to see how well he is doing! I can't believe the difference in Martha and Cookie, but I can't imagine a better home anywhere for the little guy :wub:
GB your avatar made me laugh very hard.
minions i salute you for saving a young fishes life.
if only there were more people in the lfs buisness that were just like you. :thumbs:

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