Fish Crazy
will give it a try thanks buddyboy 

Hi all,
Went down to my LFS yesterday after work as the hydrometer I bought broke within a couple of days as the main SG measurer came loose and fell out of the pointer, the guy down there was rather helpfull and said because id spent so much there recently he would be happy to replace it, so awsome!
I bet he did, they are so cheap he can afford to do that!
Got chatting to him and was explaining how the tank was going and how Id had no nitrate or nitrite spike and that the ammonia was only 0.6, He said that the rock that I bought off him was full cured and he would be suprised if it had a large cycle. He said that when he made the display in the store (has the same tank) he moved the rock from one to the other and it was out of the water for ten minutes due to complications, He said that he did experience a small cycle with the simular results that I am getting.
True, you may not have a large cycle and the ammonia might just be a very small ammount of die off
He has suggested a product called Bacterins which is bacteria in a solid that disolves in the water and increase the bacteria and should get the ammonia down at an increased pace. Is this true?
IMO total rubbish
Also he has said to put a prawn or flakes into the aquarium so that it kick starts the bacteria into breaking down of food? Will this help or?
you can do this, but why would you - you have some die off which is causing the ammonia, why add more if your rock is fully cycled?
Any suggestions to whether what the LFS guy has said will work?
Expect you can guess what I am thinking!
Also the tank stats last night were............exactly the same
If it were me I would do a lrge water change, wait 24 hours and test