Reesy's 20 Gallon Reef Adventure

When I first started I had a hydrometer which told me my SG was 1.026, when I got my refractometer I found out the actual SG was 1.029!!!

Ammonia should drop to 0 once the cycle is fully complete. I also have a spreadsheet I use for logging test results....I even have graphs to track any changes! Fancy! ;)

Same as me daveo, although I havn't got enough data collected for a graph yet :lol:


Bad news. My Hydrometer has broken the little white circle (no idea the technical word) that actually measures the SG has come out of the arrow. So going to ask ther LFS tomorrow to replace it or store credit and get some more LR and buy a refractrometer online possibly?

Just done some more tests and here are the results.

PH: 8.5
Ammonia: 0.6
Nitrate: 0
Nirtrite: 0
SG: ?

Things seem to be pretty stable with no real different in the nitrate/Nitrite areas/ is this normal or good or is it just what a normal cycle will show?


The ball's rolling mate...ammonia will spike off scale, then nitrites and finally nitrates......then the stocking fun can bagin
So why is it that they will spike?

Photo update

Changed the rock formation around abit, what do you guys prefer?

New Layout

New Layout again.

The rock at the front, odd shaped rock :)

Thanks again for looking.

Still looking good..more surface area now to place corals,etc...

Ammonia comes from die back from your rock and this is used to feed the bacteria in the tank to start off your nitrogen cycle..soon you'll see nitrites, s good sign that bacteria are growing and getting to wrk
Looking real pretty, i like the second scape best, as Bud says, more places for corals

Seffie x
Ah ok, cool. Guess its the ole waiting game to be played now then.

Going to have to get my refractometer on saturday, will have to get one online and need to wait for the weekly pay lol.

The rock at the front I'm hoping to make a polyp island or mushie island :)

With regards to stocking tho, I can fit two clowns in comfortably into the 20 gallons?

Thanks YF,

I was playing around with it for ages, as i want a goby or blenny i know they make caves under rocks by digging in the sand so i was trying to make a place where they could do that.

Also do you think i should get some more LR to cover the top right had external flow pipe? I currently only have 7.4kg in there and I was told i should need 9.4?

What do you guys think?


IMO i'd leave as is for a while. then get a nice sized coral on a reasonable sized bit of LR to put on the back right side.

the LR to litres ratio is only a very rough guide and is more in realtion to stocking level than capacity. i.e. lower stocking/less LR.

you'll also up the LR each time you get coral as most already comes attached to some.
Good advice, I was hoping for a nice large elegance in the top left but I know that they need a pretty mature tank and they are more difficult to keep than others :)

But that will have to be way in the future anyway Im not really thinking of corals as of yet really, just mainly want the tank to get all nice and settled get some CUC in there make sure everything is fine and then start to think of corals. Although I really like the look of Sun Corals and Polyps.
Quick update,

Nothing changed with the tank last night the tests are more or less the same

PH: 8.5
Ammonia: 0.6
Nitrate: 0
Nitrite: 0
SG: ?

Thats all

Tank updates.

Was ment to do a water change this weekend however I have been very unwell and havn't been able to do......well anything?

Tank stats are exactly the same again more or less slight changfe in PH.

PH: 8.4
Ammonia: 0.6
Nitrates: 0
Nitrites: 0
SG: still no hydrometer


Another update.

Tanks stats are exactly the same, getting my broken hydrometer replaced tonight and will be ordering a refractometer from my next pay, round about the 28th of this month!


PH: 8.4
Ammonia: 0.6
Nitrate: 0
Nitrite: 0
SG: ?

Can anyone adivse if this is normal or is this something I should be doing?


pop a bit of flake food in or a tiny piece of fish or this is broken down it will feed the bacteria and speed up your cycle.....
If using prawn/fish..leave it 24 hours and then remove it, giving it a squeeze to release any moisture

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