Random Discussion

Good day today. The hosting outfit that holds my sites contacted me and offered a bit of a discount as a sort of loyalty thing as I've been with them since 2010. For the next 12 months my billing just went from $359.40/year to $179.70/year. :banana:
All right. The next round's on you!
Was actually searching for something quite different but went on a tangent which is quite common with me and found the following. Would be an awesome fish if you happened to have a tank large enough for a 40 inch fish; I'd say a bare minimum of 500 gallons but could possibly be in a 2-3 hundred gallon just due to its sort of weird way of surviving and its natural environment. Its being a lung fish could also help allow for a smaller thank and by smaller I'm still talking a few hundred gallon.

This was from a listing for the following search... Don't ask why I ended up with this search tern but then I don't know how I do a lot of things I do. ;)

This would be the number 17 in the listing of fish with domed heads. This was found with a search for "cichlid with a big domed head". The link I'll put at the bottom is worth a look; 35 different fish with domed and/or elongated heads. Some interesting stuff! Actually the page gives more detail as to each species then the copy I'm inserting next.

African Lungfish
Scientific Name:Protopterus annectens
Habitat:Inhabit shallow waters such as swamps and marshes; can survive out of water for months by burrowing into hardened mud
Size:Up to 40 inches
Weight:Up to 9 pounds
Temperament:Burrower; can go without food for extended periods


I have handled African lungfish that were destined for public aquariums. They are phenomenal creatures - strong, but uuuuggggglllllyyyy. They probably thought the same of me.
I was going through some old videos kids music on my system and sometimes can totally amaze.

@WhistlingBadger How would you like some of these young kids in your school band?

Let's start with an 8 year old doing some flamenco guitar. This kid is off the wall!

And how about some Pink Floyd by a 9 year old doing Comfortably Numb?

And let's see a drummer toddler with an attitude
https://www.bing.com/videos/rivervi...503F4625D55B9939B5B4503F4625D55B993&FORM=VIRE. ;)

If of interest I have some more...


I just have to add this one I just found. This girl is seven!
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I think my music choices MAY be changing... Don't get me wrong as I''m hard core "Classic Rock" person and will stay there. ;).

I'm finding myself often going to the "CMT" channel and experiencing more of today's Country with video.

I don't think anything could make me like what I call "Cry In Your Beer" country But I guess that I may like "Progressive" country.. Shoot. Eagles are a good example as to how hard it is to put music in a specific genre.

I guess what I'm trying to say is to listen to more music you don't really know. It is like the song "Pony Express" by Alabama. Is it Country? Progressive Country? Mayhaps a simple ballad? Who cares? It is awesome regardless of what genre any try to place it. It is just good music. Why can't music just be music?

Possibly the best song ever done by Alabama.

When I listening to current country, there is more 1972 light rock to it than there is Hank Williams or Patsy Cline. It strikes me as seventies rock sung by people who are sad because of their sinus problems. Every once in a while I listen to country at my dentist's, or in the car, and you can predict what the musicians are going to do within seconds of hearing the first few bars. It's comfort music from 50 years ago remixed with new lyrics.

All music is just music.
Started getting a privacy popup on my 43 inch Samsung Smart TV. Don't know why the warnings started but it made me look. Also it was a little distracting to have a message pop up every couple of hours or so. Took a bit of searching but I THINK I have managed to turn off all the data collecting the set was doing. Won't know for sure until the privacy warning does or does not repeat. Sort of upset me a bit that the default settings were to collect all data as to viewing including giving permission to sell the data to third party outfits.

So, of course, I then decided to look and see what my 55 inch LG set was doing and it was pretty much the same so, of course I turned all the crud off. Probably the same with the Samsung but didn't see this specifically... The LG was taking screen shots up to twice a second to be compared to a massive data base to target advertising. I had always sort of wondered why I had a pretty low download speed on the LG according to speedtest.net through the LG set's web browser and, after I turned off all the privacy intrusions I could find, my download speed tripled. The download was probably largely affected by the constant sending of screen shots for ad targeting.

To me this is all garbage! I'm not one that wants a lot of restrictions on the Internet but I REALLY think that this sort of stuff should be off by default and the consumer should have the option to make such things active but who would opt in? :dunno:
Sadly I'm going to have to pull out the Samsung and get the specific manual for the thing since the popup notification came back today. I'm pretty certain that I've turned off the tracking stuff but this notification seems connected to a policy change that I need to acknowledge but I can't find how to do so.
I'm not really superstitious but here is something a bit on the weird side. Ever hear of the '27 Club'? It is a group of musicians that ALL tragically died at the age of 27. The list is long enough to be a bit weird...

Here are the known musicians/singers known to have died at the age of 27. Sort of weird and the list is actually probably longer as many early Jazz/Blues artists did not have age documentation.

Pianist Alexandre Levy
Ragtime Louis Chauvin
Blues Robert Johnson
Pianist Nat Jaffe
R&B swinger Jesse Belvin
Gospel singer Rudy Lewis
Gospel singer Joe Henderson
Guitarist Malcolm Hale
Singer Dickie Pride
Blues Brian Jones
Guitarist Alan “Blind Owl” Wilson
Guitarist Jimi Hendrix
Singer Janis Joplin
Singer Arlester “Dyke” Christian
Singer Jim Morrison
Gospel singer Linda Jones
Singer Ron “Pigpen” McKernan
Drummer Roger Lee Durham
Keyboard Wallace “Wally” Yohn
Guitarist Dave Alexander
Singer Peter Ham
Guitarist Gary Thain
Singer Sobredo "Cecilia" Galanes
Guitarist Helmut Köllen
Musician Chris Bell
Guitarist Zenon De Fleur
Singer D Boon
Songwriter Alexander Bashlachev
Songwriter Amar Singh Chamkila
Musician Pete De Freitas
Musician Finbarr Donnelly
Musician Chris Austin
Singer Dimitar Voev
Singer Mia Zapata
Singer/songwriter Kurt Cobain
Guitarist Kristen Pfaff
Singer Richey Edwards
Rapper Randy "Stretch" Walker
Rapper Fat Pat
Musician Freaky Tah
Drummer Kami
Singer Rodrigo Bueno
Singer Sean Patrick McCabe
Singer María Serrano Serrano
Musician Jeremy Ward
Musician Bryan Ottoson
Singer Valentín Elizalde
Singer Damien “Damo” Morris
Singer Orish Grinstead
Singer Amy Winehouse
Musician Richard Turner
Guitarist Thomas Fekete
Singer Kim Jong-hyun
Rapper Fredo Santana
The 27 club is just coincidence. There is also a substantial 28 club, and a notable 26 club. I'll bet the 80 club is recruiting too.

I don't know what you were doing at 27, but for me, the warranty was off and I was ready for at least new brakes. I'd roasted mine by that point. It just seems a period in a lot of lives when we hit a wall, and either adapt or go extinct. When you throw in the drug and booze scene that musicians on the road can get lost in, it's a logical time for things to snap.

I saw a list once of the 33 club, and it was a big one. But rock musicians have a life expectancy in the low 40s. They're the killifish of the arts.

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